Chapter 38

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The guys spent the rest of the week in their honeymoon phase and rarely left her side. Before any of them knew it, the week was up and she was being forced to say goodbye to Marc, Sean, Raven, Luke, Gabe, and Silas.

It was an extremely hard day for Lynn, filled with tears, hugs, kisses, and numerous promises of video calls and texts and visits home as much as possible. Plus they each promised to take lots of pictures of where they would be shooting.

The first two months were the hardest for her. She clung to Owen, Victor, Axel, North, Brandon, Corey, Kota, and Nathan. They could barely leave her sight or she would have a panic attack. She clung to her phone so she wouldn't miss anyone's texts or calls. The guys just took it with stride and knew that the more it happened the more she would get use to it.

She did enjoy the various pictures the guys were sending her on their breaks. Marc was in LA, Sean was in Ireland, Raven was in London, Luke was in Australia, Gabe was in Scotland, and Silas was in Greece which she found sweet for him to go back to his homeland.

"Are we spending another day in my bed, Cupcake?" Luke asked when he noticed she was slowly waking up. He chuckled when she scooted closer to him.

"Mhmmm Luke," She pouted as she nuzzled into his chest. He smiled when he noticed the moment she registered it wasn't a dream. "Always?" She asked waking up more. She opened her eyes and he winked at her. "Lucian!" She squealed and hugged him.

He burst out laughing and hugged her. "Hi Cupcake."

"You came back," she mumbled into his neck.

"Of course I did," he smiled softly. "I told you I would."

"How long are you here?" She asked timidly.

"Just until Sunday," he said honestly. "I have to be back on set on Monday."

"Okay," She pouted then smiled, "At least you will be here for a few days."

"I hear you haven't really been eating," he said softly. "How about you and I go get some," he looked around a bit dramatically then smirked, "some chocolate chip pancakes?" he whispered and she giggled. "Let's go before North finds out."

She giggled and he got out of bed. He smiled down at her all curled up in his sheets and blanket. He grabbed his phone and took a few pictures of her smiling up at him. "You are silly, I am a mess," she giggled as she untangled from his blanket.

"You are fucking beautiful," Luke leaned down and kissed her deeply. "Now go get dressed."

"Yes Sir," She smiled as she went to her room. She came back a few minutes later in jeans and one of Gabe's shirts. He smiled and snuck a pic as she was brushing her hair. He sent it to Gabe who sent back a smiley face with heart eyes then the caption that it was his new lock screen and background. "I'm ready Always," she smiled as she turned to face him.

She bounced down the stairs which caused everyone to look up and smile softly at her. "You are in a good mood Doll," Axel said as he kissed her softly.

"Always is home!" she beamed.

"We know," Brandon smiled. "We told him which bed you were in so he could surprise you."

"Thank you," She kissed his cheek.

"Come on Cupcake, we have to sneak out before North finds out," Luke beamed.

"Before I find out what?" North asked standing behind him with his arms crossed.

"He is going to take me out for breakfast, North Star," She said going over to North with a bounce in her step. He smiled down at her and pulled her into a hug.

"Will you eat more than just a few bites please?" he asked and she nodded.

"I will try," she said honestly. "I try, I do try, I just don't feel right without everyone here together."

"I know Baby," North said as he pushed some hair out of her face. "Just try, that's all I ask."

"Yes Sir," She smiled as his eyes lit up.

"Come on Cupcake," Luke said and she kissed North's cheek. "I'll make sure she gets some fruit North," Luke said seriously and North nodded. "But I will make sure you get some chocolate too," He loud whispered as he pulled her out the door which caused her to giggle.

"She's got a little bit of her happiness back," Corey said as he drank his coffee.

"Yeah," Victor smiled. "She admitted she won't be complete until we are all back together."

"Do you think we should keep taking movie projects in groups?" Kota asked. "Look how quickly she slipped with some of us gone?"

"She didn't completely slip," Nathan pointed out. "She didn't self-harm, she only became super needy and her anxiety increased, but we also expected that."

"I think the more it happens, the more she will become use to it," Owen said drinking his tea. "You have to admit, it was a huge thing for her even come to terms with some of us leaving and have faith that they will come back based on what happened in the past."

"That is true," Axel nodded. "She is honestly doing better than I expected her to. I didn't think she would be okay with leaving with just Luke this morning, I fully expected her to want us to join her. I'm kind of shocked honestly."

"Me too," they said in unison.

"Now what do we do?" Corey asked.

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