Chapter 10

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It had been a few weeks and the men quickly learned that Lynn wouldnt eat at normal times and would forget to eat or tend to just snack here and there, so they made sure to leave small meals by her bed or desk or leave snacks out for her to get. They had to keep reassuring North and Marc that it was fine for now and at least she was eating something and starting to gain some weight.

She also got into a routine of leaving once a week to wherever she went but they never followed even though they really wanted to. She never spoke about where she went and they noticed the tear streak marks on her face when she would return but they quickly learned not to question it after she went on a 48 hour silent treatment to everyone after they kept pushing it one time.

Sean looked down at his phone after he got a notification. He opened the message and frowned, "What?" Owen asked.

"I just got a request to approve a refill for Pookies hydrocodone. Its been a few months now, she shouldnt still be in pain," he explained.

"Hey Mr. B, where is the stuff from my place? I cant find something I need," Lynn said walking into the office. 'Whoa, whats up?" She asked instantly noticing the concerning looks.

"You need a refill for your pain meds?" Sean asked. "I thought you quit taking them last month."

"I just take it for my migraines," she huffed. "I only have a few left so I would like some to keep in stock for when my migraines hit."

"Oh okay Pookie," Sean nodded and sent off the approval. "If they keep getting bad let me know and maybe we can try the shots."

"They just make me sick," she rolled her eyes, "Ive already tried that and natural remedies and even CBD, nothing really works besides hydro and sleeping."

"Okay Pookie, well Ill start looking for other options, I really dont want you to become addicted."

"I wont," She glared at him. She sighed, "Anyway, I need some stuff from my place."

"Your stuff is in the barn in the back, we werent sure if you wanted to return or not, so we just packed everything up and stored it here," Owen said watching her closely.

"Okay, thanks," she left and they looked at one another.

"Ill let the team know to watch her," Sean nodded before calling an emergency meeting. Owen watched her go out to the storage building then headed to the meeting.

Lynn entered the building and started looking around. Finally finding her boxes she opens one and sees its her art supplies. She sets it to the side and opens the next one. Its her books so she puts that one to the side also. The next box is stuff out of her desk. She rummages through it and starts to panic when she cant find what she is looking for. Suddenly there it was, and she sighed in relief.

"You find what you are looking for?" She jumps as Luke suddenly appears beside her.

"Holy Shit Lucian!" she gasps grabbing her chest.

"Sorry, thought you heard me walk in," he shrugged. "So did you find what you were looking for?"

"Yeah," she nodded and picked up the jewelry box. "I also found my art supplies," she pointed to another box.

"Ill grab those," he offered and she nodded. "What about your books?"

"I can get those another day," she shrugged.

"Ill go ahead and get them," he said grabbing that box as well.

"Thank you" she whispered heading back to her room.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Owen asked as they came in.

"Yes, thank you," She nodded then headed up to her room.

Luke set the boxes by her bed and she opened her jewelry box. She slipped her wrap bracelets on and then found her dragon necklace. She smiled and put it on.

"Neat," Luke smiled watching her.

"Thanks, found it in Oklahoma one day while just walking around," She shrugged then started getting out her art supplies. She pulled out her sketch pad and started rearranging all her stuff at her desk.

"Ill come check on you later," Luke said and she nodded then turned on her music.

Once she had the desk how she wanted it, she started putting her books on the bookshelf.

"Might as well since I doubt they will let me leave anytime soon," She muttered to herself.

She sat at the desk and started drawing. After awhile she began rubbing her temples. She sighed and headed to the bathroom, she took a few pain pills, turn her music off, and laid down. Within minutes she was asleep.

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