Chapter 46

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"Hey Beautiful," Lynn turned around and looked up shocked to see Marc standing in her doorway of the art studio where she was currently painting.
"Marc," she whispered then straightened her back, "What are you doing here?"

"Um, the guys asked me to come make sure you took a break and ate something since they are all busy and come on we all know you tend to lose track when you are lost in your work," he said softly. "Will you please come downstairs and have lunch with me?"

She sighed and sat her paintbrush down in the cleaner, "I guess so," She said as she headed to the bathroom to wash her hands. She sat down at the table and he started making her a club sandwich and bowl of mixed fruit. "Thank you," she whispered when he sat the dishes in front of her.

"You're welcome," he said softly as he sat across from her. He picked up his sandwich and noticed her looking at his hand. "Oh yeah, I got it done a few days ago," he smiled softly at the infinity tattoo on his left ring finger. "You may have said you set me free but I still consider myself married to you Lynn. This was a way for me to still be yours even without the ring, bracelet, and key."

She sighed and sat her sandwich down, "I want to believe you Marc, I really do. My heart has a hole in it but I just don't know if I can. You pretty much admitted you only wanted me because of Angel and you felt pressured into marrying me. How can I trust you really love me after everything?"

"No Beautiful," he shook his head, "I wanted you before Angel but you just kept pushing us away so I thought we had lost you for good, I was losing hope and it was all my fault for not having faith in us like everyone else did. I should have had more faith in us, I failed in that and I am so sorry. I know I can't take back what happened and remove the doubt you have now but I can try and restore some of it if you will give me the chance to."

"I don't know Marc," she sighed as she popped a grape into her mouth. "I will think about it, that's all I can do right now."

"Okay," he nodded. "Thank you. I have one more request please?"

"What?" She huffed. He could see the walls building back up and it pissed him off that he was the cause of all the pain in her eyes and heart.

"Can I stay here until someone comes back?" he asked. "I don't like the thought of you being here all alone while they are in all their meetings with their managers and I know they don't like it either."

"Why aren't you in a meeting as well?" She asked as she finished her sandwich.

"I refuse to work until they get me a new hair stylist so we're at a standstill right now since they are mad at me for not telling them why I refuse to work with her," he admitted as he picked up her plate and rinsed it off before putting it in the dishwasher.

"Oh," she said softly. "Why won't you tell them why?"

"You asked us not to release any information about you to keep your privacy," he said as he wiped down the counters.

"But didn't Owen said you had all your managers know so that there will be no more love scenes?" She asked confused.

"Yes and they do know but the producers of the movie do not," he explained. "The producers want to know why I am refusing and my managers are stating personal reasons so it's a major standstill right now to see who will budge before the movie goes any further."

"Oh," she said while twirling the bracelets on her wrist. "I am going to go paint some more," she said standing and rubbing her palms down her thighs in nervousness.

"Can I stay Beautiful?" He asked softly. "Please?"

"I guess," she sighed. "The guys would appreciate it I'm sure."

He wanted to ask her some more questions but he knew better than to push right now, it was already a huge thing that she allowed him to stay and even having lunch with him. North and Raven were pissed they had to go to the meetings so he could bet they were going to be the first ones here after they were done. Word from Axel was that Sean, Raven, Luke, Gabe, and Silas were trying to postpone returning to their sets even longer but the producers were getting frustrated about not having any information about what was going on.

He sat on the couch and sighed. He put his elbows on his knees and put his hands on his head. It hurt him so much that she was right up stairs and he couldn't go watch her because of his stupidity. He knew he deserved this pain but he had to find a way to fix everything. He just had to think.

An hour later Raven stormed into the house, "Kitten?" he called out.

"She's upstairs painting," Marc said softly as he stood.

"Why you here?" Raven growled and clenched his fists.

"Yeah, why are you here?" North asked coming in. "I appreciate you making sure she had lunch but you could have gone afterwards."

"I didn't think you would want her to be here alone," Marc sighed in defeat. "So I asked her if she would be okay with me staying until someone got here. She said you would appreciate it so here I am."

"Da," Raven nodded even though he clenched his jaw.

"Bear, North Star," They looked up to find her standing at the top of the stairs looking down at them.

"We here, you go NOW," Raven growled as he started to climb the stairs. "I sorry they stupid Kitten," he said as he picked her up and hugged her tightly. "I quit."

"Don't be silly Bear," She smiled softly. "You know you love doing action movies."

"Da I love you more," he said and she giggled.

"That pain you're feeling watching them?" North asked and Marc nodded. "She's going through a hundred times worse and it's about to be even worse because they are going to have to leave soon and she now has even more doubts and fears, all because of you. Just remember that."

FaithOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora