Chapter 25

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Raven looked up and put his finger to his lips. Owen nodded and Sean whispered, "She asleep?" Raven nodded. "What is going on?"

"I come get drink she looking at box. Scare to touch but open. She throw away pills but stare at knife. She say no no then put down. Turn leave see me. Try to tell but I tell her I see and I proud. She so happy I proud. We go four boxes she get really tired. I hold and she sleep. Trash can full and here seven knives," He pointed to box by his feet.

"I'll take care of that," Sean said grabbing the can and box.

"I will let the team know, we need to make sure she knows how proud we are," Owen said taking his phone out and started texting. Corey came into the room and helped keep her still while Raven stood and carried her into Raven's room. Raven leaned against the headboard and Corey handed him the remote so he could watch TV while holding her and letting her sleep.

After a few hours she started to stir, "Good nap Kitten?" Raven asked rubbing her back.

"Mhmm," She moaned as she shifted to hear his heartbeat more.

"More sleep?" he asked and she moaned. "Sleep Kitten, I protect you."

"Eternity," She whispered drifting off to sleep again.

"Da Kitten eternity," He whispered holding her.

He picked up his phone and sent out a group message. She woke want more sleep. I tell sleep I protect she say eternity then sleep. We need fruit cup now.

I agree but she will think it's too soon, especially since she is torn and afraid Kota replied.

We just have to give her more time and prove we aren't losing her again, she is starting to open up and trust us more. Just be patient. Owen replied back.

What if we give her a promise ring? It's not an engagement but it shows we are dedicated to her no matter how long it takes for her to realize we aren't losing her again Victor replied.

I will start fucking looking Gabriel replied back.

About two hours later she woke up and yawned, "Good nap Kitten?" Raven asked as she sat up.

"Great actually," she smiled and stretched.

"Good," Raven smiled as she got off of him and went to the bathroom.

"Ugh I need to take a shower or bath," she said coming back into the bedroom. "I feel gross."

"I tell Gabe," Raven said getting up. "Go eat, it be ready when done."

"Yes Sir," She whispered as she left the room.

"Why hello Beautiful," Marc smiled as she entered the kitchen. "Did you sleep well?"

"Great," She nodded. "Meanie?" She asked timidly when Gabe walked in.

"What's up Trouble?" he asked tugging on a strand of her hair.

"Will you start me a bath please? I feel gross," she looked up at him shyly.

"Of fucking course Trouble," He beamed. "I'll even wash your fucking hair for you when you are ready but you need to eat first."

"Raven said that too," She nodded.

"Hi Baby," North said coming into the kitchen. He kissed the top of her head then growled, "You smell like Crow." He tapped her nose and she giggled softly.

"Meanie is going to start me a bath after I eat," She said softly.

"Good," North said as he grabbed a water bottle. "I have to go but I will see you tonight." She nodded and hugged him. "You did great this morning. I'm so proud of you Baby," He whispered as he hugged her tighter. "Be a good girl and I will see you tonight Baby."

"Here you go Princess," Victor said handing her lunch. "I have practice but I will see you later."

She frowned when Axel, Corey, Brandon, Kota, Luke and Silas left also. She ate then got up to rinse her plate and put it in the dishwasher. She headed up to her room and just as she entered Gabe was coming out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong Trouble?" He asked as he gently led her into the bathroom.

"They left," she whispered.

"They will be back tonight," He said hugging her.

"I know," She said clinging to him tighter. She took a deep breath then shook her head. "I'm being silly, just forget it."

"Nope," Gabriel smiled. "It just means you fucking like being around us."

"What am I going to do when you leave for months on end for your movies?" She asked as he brushed her hair then slipped her shoes off.

"That's fucking easy," He smirked, "You will just fucking come with us."

"I can't do that Meanie," She shook her head. "I don't want to be in movies, I don't want my picture taken. I don't want to deal with the craziness. Plus think of all the hate your fans will have if they find out about me and Angel. I can't," She started to have a panic attack.

"Hey calm down Trouble," Gabriel said grabbing her face and making her look at him. "No one will find out if that is what you fucking want. I will go talk to Mr. B right now okay? Just calm the fuck down." She copied him and took deep breaths. Once she was calm he smiled, "Good girl, now get in the fucking bath and I will come wash your hair when I'm done talking to Mr. B."

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