"I need him to use his strongest Genjutsu to show me my darkest and deepest fears to unlock my Mangekyō." I breathe out quickly and close my eyes, waiting for the lecture and the strike of death! 

When nothing happens, I open my eyes and don't find Kakashi. Before I could look around, I got hit on the head, hard! "Ow!! What was that for!?" I whine.

"Have you completely lost it?!" he yells at me. "Look, I know the dangers. But I need my Mangekyō for the upcoming war. I mean, even you have it! You guys have that extra power that I don't." I explain again to him. 

"Ita-" I cover his mouth before the full name comes out. "That guy's Genjutsu is not a game. It's too powerful." he tells me, and it sounded like he's experienced it. "That's what I'm counting on, though." I confess.

"I don't even know how you made him even consider it." he shakes his head. "He said as long as I get your approval and I bring Naruto with me, he'll give it a try. Naruto will be there to bring me out if it gets too much." I tell him the conditions.

He sighs and leans back on the wall. "He doesn't know his place. He just wants me to take responsibility for what might happen." he mumbles as he thinks to himself. "I'll be able to handle it, Kakashi-Niichan." I walk closer to him, calling him by the old nickname to erase our ranks. We both knew if he was just a Sensei to me, I wouldn't have to ask him for permission, but everyone sees us as siblings, and so do I.

He sighs for the hundredth time and shakes his head. "You won't. You won't be able to handle it. You might think you're prepared, but you don't know his Genjutsu." he tells me, and I prepare myself for the rejection. "I'm going to regret this, but... fine. He can give it a try." he facepalms himself as I hug him tightly! "Thank you! Thank you! I promise I'll be stronger than whatever I'll see." I tell him, and he just hugs me back.

I run back inside to grab Naruto and tell him, but I don't find him in the Hokage's office. "Where did he go now?" I ask. Tsunade and Jiraiya look at each other before looking back at me. Oh God, now what!? "What happened? Where is he?" I ask, stepping closer to her desk.

"Naruto is preparing for a long S-Ranked mission. With Yamato as team captain." she tells me, and I chuckle. "God! You two scared me for a second there. So when are we leaving?" I ask, and they look at each other again. "Stop that! Just tell me."

"You're not going. He's going alone, with Yamato." she answers, and I scowl. "No, I'm part of his team. He's being hunted down; he can't go alone." I try to explain. "That's the reason he's going." Jiraiya intervenes.

"Jiraiya!" Tsunade yells at him. I guess there's something I'm not supposed to know. "She deserves to know. At least her." he informs her. "The Raikage's brother is also a Jinchūriki, for the Eight-tails. But he has full control over it. Naruto will be with him, training to learn control. While we will try to finish this war without involving them." Jiraiya explains, and I somehow calm down. "You're going to keep them out of the fight." I conclude.

"Naruto can't know we are basically hiding him away. He wants to be a part of this fight as much as the next shinobi, and we just can't risk his safety right now." Tsunade adds. I nod and take a moment to let everything sink in.

Naruto and the Raikage's brother are the last Jinchūrikis alive. We managed to save Gaara, but the Akatsuki managed to take his Tailed Beast. Now, the nations are hiding the last two on some remote island... The war is going to start soon...

We're running out of time.

I walk back to Naruto's house while trying to get my thoughts and emotions under control. Naruto can not know that we are protecting him, that we will go fight on our own. He's going to be so mad at me when he finds out... He'll probably even not talk to me for a while...

A Bright Future {Naruto x Reader}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt