Chapter 12

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"I won't wear that!" Jessie cried, folding her arms and turning away like a petulant youngling.

"It's ceremonial. And symbolic. And this has been in my family for four generations," I replied, confused. It was about two weeks since I'd gotten so drunk that Kelsey had carried me to my bed.

"It shows. There's more shoddy bling on that than at a magpie convention," she grumbled. I did not understand her attitude. It was only a garment.

"It is made of the finest quality spool and my great grandmother wove it with her bare hands."

"Good for her."

I sensed sarcasm. Her disrespect riled me up but I kept my tone under control.

"Please explain your discomfort. I wished to permit you to wear this family heirloom for our bonding ceremony. You are acting like I expect you to dress in grated parmesan." I was proud of myself for making an Earth analogy. We had studied them for so long, but still many of Jessie's cultural references passed me by.

"I thought I would wear a big white gown with a veil on my special day. Not a spangly glorified handkerchief. Everyone will see me!"

Ah, so that was the problem. "I commend you for your concern, mate. You are correct, this garment is immodest. The reason for that is so we can consummate immediately, without getting tangled."

She paused and frowned. "How immediately?"

"Immediately-immediately," I replied. Could things be more immediate than that?

"But the guests leave, first, right?"

"Of course, not. They are part of the ceremony. It would be rude to exclude them from the end of it."

Jessie's expression had turned to horror and her skin had become pale. My heart sensed hers was beating faster.

"I have to have sex with you in front of random people?"

I nodded. "It ensures there is no doubt in anyone's mind that you belong to me, and I have fully claimed you."

"Oh." She sat down heavily, all fire gone, and I held out the bright pink garment.

"Your camisole."


"All things considered, it's one of the nicest parts of the ceremony. You get to have sex," I pointed out. She liked sex, surely getting more of it was a great thing?


"Yes, mate?"

"Please can you talk me through the entire bonding ceremony, and everything we have to do for it, and can you speak slower? I need to know what I have agreed to."

"Very well. It starts with the piercings, fourteen days before the ceremony."

"Piercings?" she squeaked. "Where?"

"Mine is in the top of my cock, just below where my knot swells. Two ball-shaped pieces of metal, intended to pleasure you more when we mate. Pleasure increases the chance of successful reproduction."

"And where is mine?"

"In the hood of your clit, of course."

She squeaked and covered her mouth with her hands.

"I can't do this. I can't. It's too much. I shouldn't be here. I'm just a girl. A normal girl. I worked at MacDougall's. I like ketchup on most of my food. I'm not cut out for mating and piercings! I'm sorry, but you're going to have to find a different girl to do all this."

Epsilon Mate: An Omegaverse sci-fi taleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum