Ch. 11

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《Suggestive content, Fluff, swearing》

I rubbed my eyes, the first rays of light breaking through the curtains. I was able to sleep relatively sound for the remainder of the night. I felt Dabi's arm slither around my waist, pulling our bodies tangled in the sheets closer together. I turned my head to look at his face, I kissed his cheek softly then rested my forehead against his. "Sleep enough?" Dabi asked softly, his eyes opening just a smidge.

"Yes, probably the most I have slept in a while." I said, a small smile lingering on my features.

"Go clean yourself up, I can start up breakfast." Dabi demanded, propping himself up on his arm.

"Oh, you want to cook do you?" I grinned as Dabi leaned in. He tenderly kissed my lips, passionate and sweet.

"Do I need to carry you to the bathroom myself?" Dabi asked in a husky tone. I snickered to myself, pecking his lips before getting out of bed. I wrapped myself in the sheet then stretched my tired limbs. I heard the bed shift then a slap to my ass as Dabi stood behind me. "I'm sure we have stuff to get done today." Dabi sighed kissing along my exposed shoulder. I nodded in agreement and headed towards towards bathroom. I dropped the sheet outside the door before closing it and getting my shower ready.

I turned the warm water on, giving it a moment to adjust then hopped in. I quickly washed myself while still being thorough. Once I was done I dried myself off with a towel and walked out the bathroom. Mina said I would have everything I needed, I wonder exactly what she meant. I opened the doors to the walk in closet and saw clothes neatly hung and folded on each side. "Sweet!" I celebrated mentally then picked out some clothes to wear. After picking out an outfit I grabbed my weapon holsters I saw Dabi brought in. I clipped those on around my form then headed out the room. The smell of food had wafted to the second floor and it smelt pretty good.

"Oi Shithead! Racoon eyes wants to talk to you!" Katsuki beckoned me as I made it to the ground floor. I chuckled and walked over to the monitor where three familiar faces were displayed.

"(Y/N), reporting for duty. How are things going with the three of you?" I asked, stepping in front of the monitors.

"(Y/N)! We haven't gotten much to offer yet, just wanted to check in on you." Kirishima said.

"We are adjusting fine. Currently making breakfast. Any word on when Kaminari is set to arrive?" I asked, looking at the screens.

"Last contact with him was last night. He should be there soon. We haven't been communicating much just for safety precautions." Mina said, slight worry hidden in her words. I gave a radiant seeming smile.

"I am sure he will be here any minute, no worries. If it gets too late before he arrives, we'll go looking. That aside we should get some work done. I don't want to just sit on my ass all day." I said, crossing my arms.

"Well between Aizawa and us over here, there isn't much work to hand over to you. Which I believe is a good thing..... Don't need you out in the spotlight right now." Mina said, looking to the side. I sighed, her view on this wasnt wrong.

"Spit it out would ya? You're being too famn obvious you got something else to add." Katsuki growled. Kirishima nervously chuckled at his friend's blunt words.

"Late last night I got a message from an informant that someone was asking around about you for a job." Mina explained. I nodded and gestured for her to go on.

"The guy is offering a hefty sum, meaning the job is probably a big one." Sero added.

"Am I allowed to go on jobs? I can at least hear this guy out." I said.

"It shouldn't be a problem, it is best if the job isn't too close to here. Make sure to take someone with you and check in regularly." Mina ordered. I smirked and snickered to myself quietly.

"No problem, Boss. Talk to you later." I said then walked off to the kitchen. The smell of food instantly filled my nose, causing my stomach to growl. Katsuki ended the feed iwth the others then angrily stomped into the kitchen with Dabi.

"Hm, I guess you aren't doing that terrible. Move it." Katsuki grumbled and started working on the next part of the preparations. A soft smile lifted to my face, any semblence of normalcy is greatly appreciated. Now more than ever. 


It was reaching early evening yet no sign of Kaminari. From what I was told he should have been here by now. I ground my teeth while the gears turned in my head. Not all that long between battles and we already have to get ready for whatever this was going to end up being. "You think someone has gotten ahold of your friend?" Dabi asked, spooking me from my concentrated state.

"Most definitely. Whoever these people are, they are very crafty." I said, clenching my fist. I went to get up and as I did, something pinged through my head. I looked forward and whipped a hand gun from its holster. I went to look at the monitors but found nothing unusual. My eyes trailed over all the screens multiple times until I finally spotted something. A masked man at the front entrance. He was waving in an almost giddy way. I recognized that mask. What was that gangs name? "The Shie Hassaikai." The name rolled off my tongue.

"Them again? I was hoping to not have to deal with them again." Dabi sighed.

"Go get Katsuki, stay on guard. I believe I will go say hello." I said.

"Alone? Isn't that kind of a stupid idea?" Dabi argued. I smirked.

"Usually any idea I have is stupid. I am reassured knowing who my backup is though." I said then headed for the exit. Dabi didn't protest any more after that, keeping a close eye on the monitors as I made my way to our uninvited guest.

My shoes scraped against the dirt covered concrete. The garage door opened and standing in front of me was the gang member. "Either one of us is a double agent, or, your gang somehow managed to bug us even though we just set up what we have.

"You are a clever girl, I am sure you will figure it out soon enough. I am merely the messenger. I believe we have something you might like to retrieve." The masked man snickered, holding up a picture between his fingers. He flicked the photo in my direction, the tips of my fingers easily grasping the photo. I looked at it, squinting my eyes because of the low lighting. A deep growl left my throat, sounding almost beastly. I flipped the picture to the security camera above me while glaring at the man.

"What do you want?" I seethed.

"We were hired, obviously. Use whatever means necessary to obtain you." He chuckled in amusement. "I am sure your friend is still alive, couldn't tell you if he is still in one piece. Our torturer is quite the eccentric when it comes to these matters. I sighed and raised my hands above my head.

"Fine then, take me to him." I said. The man seemed dumbfounded at my surrender.

"That's it? No fight or try to beat the location out of me? How boring." He sighed in displeasure. "I guess this will have to do." He added, bringing out a sack that he put over my head then binding my wrist with cuffs.


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