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《Swearing and little fluff》

"It won't be easy getting information on this guy, you are trying to take down one of the most powerful rich people in Japan." Katsuki stated.

"I need something, otherwise I am either running for the rest of my life or I am getting my ass captured real soon to go back to that hell." I said, my words full of unintended malice.

"I know someone back in town that might have some information on hand. Usually does. You should probably stay here while we go do our research. Sero go show them to a room." Mina said. I went to say something but Dabi was quick to shut me up, clapping a hand over my mouth then dragging me with him. We followed Sero up the metal stairs and further into the warehouse. As we neared the end of the ramp and closer to a door I assumed to be our room Sero turned to us.

"Here is a burner that we can contact you on when needed, I know you had to ditch your phones." Sero grinned then left us to it. We both walked into the room, it was simple and had what would be needed.

"I don't like this, I should be out there doing my own work." I groaned as I flopped backwards onto the bed.

"(Y/N), there is a very dangerous and very resourceful man out there hunting your good looking ass down. I think this is good. Or do you not wanna be stuck here with me?" Dabi smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him and a frown pulled at my lips.

"Who the hell implied that?" I grumbled. Dabi crawled on top of me, on his hands and knees.

"You don't sound very pleased with the idea, Sweetcheeks." Dabi said, his smirk growing.

"This will have to do, I guess." I exhaled. Dabi's bangs tickled my forehead as he leaned in closer, eventually trailing his lips along my neck softly. I hummed at the feeling, weaving my fingers through Dabi's hair.

"We will be fine here, right? So stop being so tense, Princess." Dabi said, his hot breath fanning over my neck. I pulled him closer to my body, tangling our legs together then rolled us over so I was resting on his chest.

"I will soon enough, I'm not doing this alone. I got you here with me." I said softly. Dabi's hands trailed up and down my body lightly and I heard him chuckle softly. Dabi's textured hands slid up my back, up my shirt.

"You say you will relax but I can feel how tense your muscles are. You have always been such a bad liar." Dabi snickered. I pointed a glare at him, sitting up and now sitting on his lap. Dabi's hands easily slid to my thighs as I moved.

"I am a professional criminal, I would beg to differ with your statement. If I was such a "Bad liar" then I would have been caught a long ass time ago." I grumbled, arm crossed over my chest.

"Let me rephrase, with me you suck total ass at lying to my face. Jeez Princess, I didn't know you took me as an idiot." Dabi said in mock hurt. I gave him a straight face then quirked a brow up at him.

"You really want me to say more on that note?" I asked. Dabi pretended to think for a moment, a chuckle leaving him.

"I guess not but I do know what I want from you." Dabi smirked. He ground my hips against his, causing a gasp to escape me. Dabi snatched my lips in a kiss, clearly hungry for more. "Let's go release that tension with some training, eh?" Dabi asked as he parted the kiss. It took me a moment to recollect my thoughts then looked at him quizzically.

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