Chapter 9: The real apocalypse.

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The whole hospital is now close to a definition of hell. The screams were evident how hard it is to save life. Three for starters, now almost half of the guild were violent and doesn't hear a word of plea and comfort. Officers who were in the middle of strife are having a hard time for they cannot control the sudden event, people don't know what to do. The hospital is filled with running, screams, and fresh blood. And at this point the officers cannot think anything but to fled the area and save the people whose mind are still sane.

"Levi! What are we going to do with them?" Asked Mike from a distant holding a three year old child in his arms while blocking themselves away from harm.

"Hange told me they're hopeless unless given the right medicine. At this point, we can't do anything but to rescue and kill. We have no choice." Answered Levi as he make his way to get his children. Before he could take his turn, a group of red eyed people charge at their direction, he tries to get rid by shooting them one by one right straight in their head. They are just too many which makes him go slower.

"There are bunch of kids their, I'll take care of this." Said Levi firing non stop. Mike obeyed and followed Levi's pointed direction to get the crying kids.

"Fuck you all, what happened to your ugly faces?" Running out of bullets, he has no choice but to use his own strength to eradicate them all, but with their number he can't do it alone. He sticked on whacking their head on the wall to put them on sleep, but they are just too strong with one great blow and keep coming after him again. This is insane. They need one good bullet, it's the only thing that can kill them with a single shot. What confuses him now is that, how can they be alright after he slammed their heads hard? Not even bleeding or stumbling out of impact.

"Just what are you little shits?!"

"Levi!" Mike shouted in different direction and threw him his extra gun. Levi swiftly caught the pistol gun and began shooting again. With the sound of his gun, more screwed people were coming into his direction, violently running towards him. The lights went suddenly off, the electricity was shut down as the sounds slowed down limited only to constant screaming and snarling. He may not understand how they became like that but at this point their movements and skills were forming in his mind as basis. With that, he easily made a strategy. They calms down with dark vision, they are not moving, just standing like they don't have any target.

As soon as Levi realized their characteristics, the lights were back as well as their violence and began doing what they have in their minds. Levi followed Mike who aims for the exit while escorting the few children he can bring. Levi guarded them until they settled in another building locking themselves.

The attention of the attackers were quickly diverted to Levi, he's not surprise at all, as if they love to see his face. That moment also Mike went out handing him another pistol charged with enough bullets. Levi nodded showing how grateful he is. He put the empty one into his holster and place the new one in front ready to fire.

"Where did you get these?" Asked Levi.

"I can sense danger, my nose told me this morning to carry a lot of guns in my pants." Mike answered.

"And why didn't you told us?" Levi spatted.

"I did, but you were spacing out after I mentioned Y/N."

Mike seems to be enjoying to see how Levi reacts differently upon mentioning her name. He teases and to alarm him that she's still at the ground floor. Levi understood what the former's eyes and intentions are trying to point, and of course they know exactly what's happening here. Why aren't they coming up to help? But that doesn't matter to him anymore, in fact he's quiet relieved for that- or not?

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