Chapter 7: Death is consuming.

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Use me as you will.

Three people have gone crazy today, two were being examined to check if they are just in drug use, the other one is unidentified. The higher ups were now working to search for the other, keeping themselves cool not to panic the whole guild. Y/N was temporarily sent up for her adjustments, she planned to spent her whole day with the kids. She still doesn't know what's happening, neither the kids who are helping her clean their now messy room.

"You guys have a lot of children's books in here huh, I haven't seen these the last time I visited." Spoke Y/N dusting the shelf with Levi's personal duster. While all of them are busy on their work, Eren and Connie dropped their broom and came in the door eavesdropping. Only Y/N noticed the two so she did the same thing.

"What's in there made you curious?" She asked.

"I heard something about the high structure in the west wing." Said Connie ear still attached at the door. She then remembers something at the mention, this morning she decided to explore those places she hasn't seen yet including that part of the building which seems to be the most risk place you'll ever encounter. Amazed by the structure, she rested herself sitting at one of the bench there, judging every part of it forgetting about the books she brought.

"Alright guys wait me here, I need to go back there real quick. Don't make anymore mess or else Levi will get mad, wait me here kay?" All of the kids bid her goodbye as she proceeded to the door. At this moment, people is getting more suspicious since they were being inspected one by one. Including her who is currently walking was stopped. Obeying with curiosity, she asked what's happening but received nothing. When done, she shrugged and paces forward on her way to the west wing, hoping to answer her confusions while walking.

Those who've done in inspection were forced for temporary isolation, but as their suspicions grows, it gets more harder for the officers to handle. She was on the list, catching up with her stubbornness just to get the books she borrowed from the library. Nothing is more scarier than the face of a librarian she imagined even there is none. Plus, those pieces are memorable since Levi is the one who picked it for her to read. She thought she have Levi's back when someone punished her today for her obstinacy.

I'll be back as quickly as possible, I won't let myself hurt. She promised to herself as she jogged through the semi crowded hallways. West wing is not that far, what she only hates is that she has to climb a long ass stairs to get into the view. It's almost the same in the east wing, where Levi brought her for stargazing.

She continues to ignore the warnings of the officers and proceeded to walk like she's hearing nothing, the entrance of the tower came in sight as she finally enters the west wing. She can hear the shouts of the people inside, not sure if there is a ruckus or they are just having fun. At this situation? Yeah having fun. She slapped her random thoughts away, focusing on the main purpose why she's here.

It's high. Just by looking at the ceiling of the tower makes her already exhausted now, she has to climb up the spiral stairs to reach the peak of this tower. She can't help but think of herself as crazy for leaving the books behind and sacrificing her energy just to bring it back. She can't believe to have the will just now, just for the books.

"This is crazy. Why do I have this urge to keep going? This is insanely high, I'm not energetic like this morning." She muttered as her feet drags her more to move. As if her feet has its own decision. Sighing in defeat, she broke her hesitations and follow her the uphill steps.

Eren and Jean were spotted bickering without a supervision of someone. Everything in the room is in chaos, the cleaning and organizing they worked hard for now came into mess. Only Mikasa and Armin dared to step between the two trying to calm them down, the rest are just watching everything and bawling out just by looking at the havoc caused by Eren and Jean. Sure Y/N won't get mad, but she's the one who cleaned most of it and they are crying because of that. Levi's scowling face added in their troubles. Standing at the door way, arms were crossed obviously annoyed at the sight in front of him.

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