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Your Point of View

Today is my 19th birthday and everything that is set for this day has been successfully occurred. My dream birthday has become a reality as my older sister finally made it home from abroad. Only the both of us was left in our family, because three years ago a global pandemic has almost wiped out all the living. Now, everything is normal. People can now loiter outside without sensing spreadable danger. My older brother left us without closure, now I don't know where he is, if he still alive after that pandemic happened.

My friends have gathered here to celebrate. As if this will be the last ,where in fact this should be the first for we have been locked in our home for a long time.

We live in a village. Compare to the others, this place is very quiet. Houses here are apart to each other and we are actually in an open field. It's peaceful where you can isolate yourself here and forget about the crowd and cities. You'll never know what is happening outside this village unless you go see it for yourself. And when I say it's very quiet here, it means that your neighbors here will ignore you as if you are not existing, there is no interaction at all.

"Y/N! Come on here, you have to take a drink." Shouted my friend holding a bottle of tequila, swaying like a cloth hanged to dry. Almost everyone in here is already drunk, including my sister who drank a lot of tequila and a rum after. Some of them already passed out, which means we have to take them somewhere comfortable since it's cold and very windy here in the rooftop.

We have been preparing this party for three days, my friends stayed here with us to get in touch with the plans, so we don't actually know what's going on outside.

Yes. We don't know what's happening.

I was woken up with a heavy headache with some of my friends on the floor really wasted. Yesterday was extreme, to the point that I cannot remember now what happened last night after they have managed to drown myself from alcohol. We had fun, everything was fun, but I knew that night that something is wrong and it makes me scared at how weird the things last night went. My friends and my sister seems to not care about it, I bet they don't even feel the way I did.

I tapped my sister's shoulder in attempt to wake her up, shaking her multiple times when she's not responding by just tapping her.

"Gaia, wake up."

I knew that I shouldn't be disturbing her from her sleep, but I feel like there's something going on and I don't have the courage to check it myself.

"Hey, Gaia, wake up."

Still she won't budge even a small complain, I received nothing. Losing my patience, I sighed in frustration and lead my feet downstairs. What came to my sight shocked me. Everything in our house are disarray and it seemed like a disaster happened. The glasses are broken, tables and other furnitures are either moved or lying on the floor and some were shattered. Now I regret for being drunk last night.

I looked at the clock, the time is 11 in the morning, but it's still very dark outside. I frowned in confusion, I'm sure now is supposed to be day time. I double check the clock and made sure to also use my phone.

It is now 11 in the morning.

I don't have time to mourn. I am now walking in the empty street full confusion. Everyone in the house is not moving, I'm positive they're dead since when I searched for their pulse I couldn't feel anything. I want to cry, but my tears are not coming out. Their death is hurting me but I feel like I have to move quickly to know what's really going on. I am now out of our village, still no one's here except for me. My head is already aching from a lot of thinking.

There's an electricity and the water is still running. What happened is like the people here suddenly disappeared. The thing that I cannot understand is that, why are we the only ones left and why the only thing you could see above are the clouds. There's no sun nor moon and stars.

Everything is not just weird.

This is not a prank.

It's terrifying for I don't know if I'm all alone now or there are also people like me roaming alone and is looking for a living.

Will I encounter people alive? Or it will be just me and the mystery?

Destination Unknown(Levi Ackerman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now