"I did, you didn't answer and i'm more of a face to face type."

"Mhm I bet." Dina mumbles walking towards the fridge.

I bite back a smile and tell him to come with me.

"I better not hear one damn sound coming from y'all." I roll my eyes and she gives me a big smile.

I pull him in my bedroom and wait for him to speak. "You look like your about to fight someone with your hair like that."

"What do you want, Luca?" I fold my arms.

"I wanted to see how you were doing truly...and I also wanted to see you."

"Okay, I am perfectly fine, and you see me now." I say putting my hands on my hips.

He walks closer to me removing my hands and replacing them with his. All the blood rushes to my heat and I take a deep breath and step out of his grasp.

"What's wrong?" He questions.

"I'm confused on why you did that." I say.

"Because I thought we had something."

"And what made you think that?" I tilt my head, sliding on a shirt. "Was it because I let you eat me out or was it because I sucked your dick?"

"No that isn't what I was trying to say-"

"Then what is it? I could go and do that to any-"

"And I'd kill all of them before they could even breathe your same air, and the next time you cut me off i'll really put that pretty mouth to work, capire, amore?" He asks while wrapping a hand around my neck and putting me against the wall. (understand, love?)

I am so turned on right now.


I'm about to nod but realize he doesn't know I know Italian. "You said you wouldn't hurt me." I grab his forearm and he removes his hand from my neck.

"And I won't but don't get these people killed trying to make me jealous, understand me?"


"Aubrei?" He says rubbing a hand over his face.

"Yes, master?" I look at him and he sighs.

"I don't want you at work for the rest of the week and don't worry about your check i'll make sure it's right, okay?"

"Yes sir." He shakes his head and opens my bedroom door and leaves. I wait until I hear the front door close to leave the room.

"What the hell was that about?" I look in my kitchen and see Ms.Dina cooking.

"How you gonna cook my groceries?"

"Don't change the subject, what the hell was that about and don't lie to me? " she says with a stern look.

"It's a lot."

"I got all night."

"But I don't." She lifts her eyebrow waiting for me to finish, "I have work at 10."

"It's only 7:45, spill"

"I need you to fake being my mom for a while, please?"

"How longs a while?"

"3 years." I say with a cough.


"3 years" I mumbled.


"Because his family won't accept me without a parent." I say hoping it sounds believable.

She laughs. "You're a good liar but I see straight through you." She pulls out two plates from the cabinet. "I might be old but i'm not dumb."

"I thought you said you could be my sister, and can you watch Dash for me please?"

"Who the hell is Dash?" I get him out of the cage. She instantly falls in love but doesn't pry away from the conversation.

"I can tell there's something going on but I wont push you to tell me, i'll just wait until you're ready." She says handing me a plate of food. I don't know why I trust her so much, i've only just met the lady a week ago. I don't want to drag her into this at all, it's only going to get worse from here.

After dinner, Dina says she'll be over tomorrow at 3 with Dash and she expects me to be ready to tell her everything. I walk into the computer room and check the surroundings before leaving and just like I thought I see a black SUV parked on the side of a mini van. I guess going through the front entrance is a no. I transfer the feed to my phone and grab my gun and two knives from the wall behind me. Might as well grab a few flash bangs. I check the time and it's 9:13, I make my way towards the front door and peek out it. Locking it, I get towards the stairs and think about walking back up 8 flights of stairs. I grimace at the thought, i'll just have to kill him because I am not walking up that many stairs.

Going out the back entrance I put on my mask and hood then look for the set of keys dad hid in one of the bushes. I find them and check the building cameras feed and see the guy is now standing on the passenger side of the car having a smoke. It looks like he's halfway done, if I can make it to the car before he's done then i'm good. Power walking towards the vehicle there's a car turning into the parking lot which makes Luca's bodyguard come back to the driver side. But he doesn't see me his eyes stay on the car. Getting in the car without being seen, I start the engine and head towards the warehouse.

After this I need a drink.

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