Welcome to the Chemtober Challenge.

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hello, children. if you're here, you probably know what these writing/drawing challenges are. Well, a few months back, and my loved one, Alex (Arro-Sohng) decided that we'd do the Chemtober challenge together!

They're gonna do all the drawing prompts, and I'm going to do all the writing prompts. Because of my ridiculous busyness, these probably aren't going to get to be very long (and I may be late a few times) but still. I'm really looking forward to it, and I know Alex is too.

there's 31 days in October, and there's 31 single word/phrase prompts. fucking believe me, children, this is not going to be easy. I've never tried doing daily releases, and actually, on of my many now-broken promises, was that I'd never do anything that requires me daily publishing...

it's fine.

So, here are each of the daily prompts!

1. Murder

2. Hell

3. Crows

4. Mama

5. Lovers

6. Venom

7. Sleep

8. Horseman

9. Last Words

10. Mirror

11. House of Wolves

12. Knives

13. The Ghost of You

14. Last Kiss

15. Roses

16. Cemetery Drive

17. Night Terror

18. Prayer

19. The End

20. Revenge

21. In The Coffin

22. Monster

23. Lullaby

24. Hero

25. Wings

26. Vampire

27. Pill

28. Pain

29. BOOM

30. Hope

31. Return

There's a few in here that I'm really fucking looking forward to. like, oh my god, just. yes. Mama? Prayer? Sleep? Pill? dude, I can't wait for what fucked up shit I can come up with. yes.

(My other stories aren't necessarily on hold, but Chemtober is going to be my main priority for the whole month of October)

Welcome to the Chemtober Challenge!


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