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-ˏˋ ♡⑅ Starting Over ⑅♡ ˊˎ-
다시 시작

(tw//mentions of abuse)

"I have news for you about Kang Taehyun."


"Come on, you need to eat something," I scowled at him and he crossed his arms.

"I don't want to," he muttered as he looked away.

This had been going on for a week.

So you see, the doctor had told us that he survived (barely). He woke up the next day, is injuries are still pretty bad. The others would be camping here in his hospital room, but I was here alone today. 

It was...a little bit awkward.

Okay fine, it was very awkward. And I hated it.

I sighed and sat down. "Fine, I'll leave it here, you can eat it when you feel like it," I said and put the porridge on his bedside table. "Call me if you need anything, I guess? I'll get going..." I walked to the door and placed my hand on the knob.

"I heard you," he said softly.

"Hm?" I turned around. He was still looking away, out the window.

"I heard your voice while I was in coma, I think...I think that was the thing that brought me back," he said.


A week later:

Taehyun got discharged today, neither of us talked about what he had said that day. I went to visit him after work.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. "I'm okay, just a bit difficulty walking around," he chuckled lightly and I hummed.

"Oh, here." I handed him a bag.

"What's this?"

"Food, what else?"

He opened the bag and I saw a smile creep up his face.

"Thank you."

"It's nothing."

Both of us sat there in silence for some time.

"I think this is the first time I've seen your house," I said as to make small talk.

"Yeah, I bought this...when I came back."

My mouth formed an 'o'.

"And you live alone..?"

"Yeah, I don't mind honestly, though it does get boring sometimes." He smiled.

I slowly nodded.

"Why did you...why did you leave?" I muttered and he looked at me.

He scratched his nape. "I've been kinda dreading this conversation, but I do believe you're waiting for an explanation."

"Soobin and Yeonjun...both told me to hear you out," I said.

He nodded. "Yeonjun probably told you, didn't he?" I nodded.

Taehyun sighed. "Then like they said, please hear me out."


"My uncle lives in the States, and I've been out of contact with him...ever since my mom died. And...you know how my father is like. He loved my mom. A lot. And after she died, he became completely mad. He would drink all the time and eventually, he started...abusing me. It wasn't that much before, but it got really bad as time passed. 

I somehow got contacted by my uncle a day before the Autumn Festival. He told me that he found out everything that was going on and that he had booked my tickets to the States so that I could go live with him. 

I was going to tell you that night, but I heard Beomgyu...asking you out. I had known for a long time that he had liked you, he himself told me. I guess I started overthinking, and I ran away from you, thinking that I was gonna let history repeat itself if I stayed. I was going to confess to you that day, Mun Seok."

I stayed silent, fazed and unsure what to say. 

"I hated you, you know. I started to hate you, after that. After all that you...said to me. I wasn't myself for quite a few days."

"I know, I'm sorry for that. I had to, I had to make you hate me so that you'd forget about me after I was gone. And it worked, didn't it?"

"I guess...I hated you for a while. The only thing I could think about was the things you said. But...I guess after a while, I...moved on?"

Taehyun nodded and looked down. "I'm so sorry. You don't deserve any of the things I said and done to you. I was a coward, and I ran away from the person who changed me and made me realise my worth. I'm truly so sorry."

I shook my head. "People can always start over, Taehyun. It's okay." I smiled at him, and he leaned in and hugged me and rested his head on my shoulder.


Dear Diary,

It's been a while. 

I met Kang Taehyun today. Or rather, I went to meet him.

I feel happy. 

And a bit guilty, too.

I always say that we should hear out the people we love when they make a mistake, but this time I was the one who didn't do it.

But I'm glad, so glad that everything is okay.

I'm still not sure, if I have feelings for him. 

He used to have feelings for me too. Hearing him say that...it didn't feel real. 

But for now, things are back to normal ♡

- ☾ 

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