14 ⳾*⑅*❀⑅*

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-ˏˋ ♡⑅ Forgive and Forget ⑅♡ ˊˎ-
용서하고 잊어 버리십시오

Crying was new to me. I had always swallowed my tears growing up.

I hated it.

Hated that I was crying for him. 

Thank goodness Jungkook wasn't at home.

So this was his plan all along, to just use me for his own good and then leave. Yeah right.

I picked up the picture frame from my bedside table. It was a selca of me and Taehyun from the ball. I threw it hard against the wall and laughed crazily.

Now I can't stop thinking 'bout you
When I'm sinking alone


I didn't talk to anyone at school. Especially not Jinhee and Kai.

I didn't see Beomgyu the entire day. I didn't know if I should be glad or unhappy.

Jinhee and Kai didn't bother me after seeing my mood. Good.

Well, until the end of the day, Jinhee finally came to my house banging on the door.

"What's wrong with you? You don't seem like yourself. You haven't replied to my messages since the day of the ball, either." She barged inside.

"So? Why wasn't your prince charming at school?"

"He is not my prince charming!"

"Okay okay, calm down, jeez. What happened?"

"He's gone," I said bluntly.

"Mind elaborating?"

"He's gone to America! He's gone and he's not coming back! Happy now?" I shouted and went into my room. Not surprisingly, she followed me.

She sat next to me and patted my head. I sighed. 

"Sorry for shouting, I'll tell you everything," I said.


"So in simple words, you fell in love with him and he broke your heart?"

I scoffed. "I was in love with him. I hate him so much!"

"Idk girl, doesn't this seem suspicious? He asked to be with you at the festival ball and then ran away when Beomgyu confessed to you, and the next day he suddenly announces he's leaving? Isn't that weird to you?"

"I really don't care, Jinhee. Can we talk about something else, please?" I flopped myself down on the bed.


A week later:
Beomgyu's POV:

She looked absolutely horrible. Though she was good at hiding it. But I've known her for years, it took me less than a second to conclude that she had been crying a lot.

I was a bit shocked. I have never seen her cry except for one time. 

"Is something wrong?" Kai came over to me.

I smiled bitterly. "Everything."


Kai gaped at me once I finished telling him everything.

"So that's why...ah, I get it now," he muttered.

"Get what?"

"Taehyun- never mind, it's not my place to say. Mun Seok told Jinhee and me, but I'd rather not say anything. You should talk to her yourself."

"She won't even look at me, Kai. She probably hates me," I bitterly laughed.

"That's not true," he said and I looked up. 

"She doesn't hate you, so go talk to her before she ends up doing that." He said and left.


Mun Seok's POV:


Can we meet?

I stared at the text I had received an hour ago.

Yeah, I have to admit, I did miss him.

I sighed and texted back the reply.


6 pm, XXX café

He replied a second later, as if he had been waiting.


Alrighty :)

It was already 5:30, I grabbed my coat, took my keys and went out of the house.

It was 5:53 pm when he arrived.

"Hey," he awkwardly said.

"You can sit," I said.

"So..." I said after a long silence.

He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for...I don't know for what, actually. For making you uncomfortable, for...this distance between us, for catching feelings for you."

I opened my mouth but he stopped me.

"Don't say anything, or I won't be able to say what I want to." I nodded and gestured for him to go on.

"I've noticed you look worse, so if it was because of me, then I'm truly sorry. I really want us to be...just us again. We've been friends for so long, I can't bear with the idea of not having you around anymore." He slightly laughed. 

I got up from my seat.

"Or...I could just not bother you and you'll never have to see me again," he muttered as he looked down.

I went over to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry too, it wasn't right for me to react that way. I just...yeah, I'm sorry," I mumbled.

He began laughing. I frowned but then started laughing alongside him.

He snorted. "I never imagined us saying sorry to each other, talk about having deep talks."

"I'm just glad everything is okay now," I replied with a smile.

"What happened with...Taehyun? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he hurriedly added as I glared at the table at the mention of his name.

"No, it's fine, I'll tell you." I began once again.


"HE WHAT?" Beomgyu stood up in anger and exclaimed. Heads turned towards us and he turned pink.

"Sit down!" I hissed.

"But still! He can't just leave!" He exclaimed while sitting down.

"Well, he did." 

"I know you liked him," he suddenly blurted. 

"Was it that obvious?" I muttered and he laughed.

"Well, for now, I tend to focus on getting into a college and not talking about him."

"Okay, mom," he said. I punched him and we both laughed.


Dear diary,

I am happy with the way I am spending my life.

And I'm going to take all it takes to forget Kang Taehyun.

I already am.

- ☾ 

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