08 ⳾*⑅*❀⑅*

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-ˏˋ ♡⑅ Life ⑅♡ ˊˎ

A few days later:

Taehyun's POV:

I walked to the bus stop and as usual, waited for Mun Seok. The bus came and went by but she hadn't arrived yet. I checked the time, I was gonna be late. Perhaps she already left for school with Beomgyu? I hung my head and boarded the bus.

Over the past few days, Beomgyu and I started getting along well. Well, at least I have friends now.

But it doesn't mean I'm not scared. I'm scared to be happy because happiness always has a consequence. That's how it has always been for me.

I think I had moved on when I had found out the truth, but the memories still haunt me. But it doesn't excuse the fact that people still spread rumours about me.

I shrugged. I don't really care what people say about me.

But what is this feeling, looking out for Mun every day, wanting to spend time with her, feeling happy every time I see her? I shrugged it off as I reached school and Beomgyu came running to greet me.

"Taehyun! Good morning," he said cheerfully.

"Morning," I hummed.

"Ah, where's Mun? I didn't see her on the bus," he asked.

I frowned. "I thought she came with you-"

Before I could continue further, the teacher entered the class and we had to go back to our seats. I sighed and looked at the empty seat behind me. Why didn't she come?


During lunch, Beomgyu said, "I texted Mun earlier, by the way. She has a mild fever so she skipped school today. She's fine though, nothing serious."

I frowned. She was sick? She should have told me.

I excused myself from the table and went out to the benches. I took out my phone.

I heard you're sick?
Is everything alright?

I waited for about 10 minutes but she didn't reply. 

Please respond :(

I sighed and put away my phone, but as I did so, I heard the sound of my notification. 

Mun Seok:

Yeah, I'm fine, it's just a mild fever.

The way she texted seemed off, she's always bright, yes, even on text, and uses a lot of stickers.

Are you sure? Do you want me to visit you after school?

Her response wasn't exactly what I had expected.

Mun Seok:
I said I'm fine Taehyun, stop making such a big fuss.


Alright, I'm sorry
Take care

Resisting the urge to sigh again, I checked the time. There was still an hour until school ended.

"Taehyun! What're you doing here?" Beomgyu's voice came from behind me.

"Hey, Beomgyu, I need to go somewhere, just tell the teacher that I'm sick or something," I said as I formed a plan in my mind.

"But where are you-"

"Something came up, so I need to go, thanks!" I exclaimed and ran off before he could inquire further.


I crept across Mun's front lawn, staying low. Yes, I had decided to come here after all.

Firstly, because it seemed off; she being sick.
Secondly, I was worried.

I was about to knock on the door when I heard loud shouts from inside.

Spotting a window above the bushes, I hid there and tried to look through the small gap.

It was Mun, and a man, probably her father since he looked similar to her.

But what made me freeze in rage and made my eyes widen, was the sight of that man slapping Mun's face so hard that she fell on the ground.

"Your mother is sick, you ungrateful brat. I'm giving you three days, either give me the money or move back to Daegu," the man said as he turned his back on her and walked towards the door.

I jumped inside the bushes completely, obscuring myself from view as the door opened and the man left without bothering to close it.

I dared to come out and walk to the door.

I watched her, as she slowly turned around and her eyes met mine.

Then she fell on her knees and sobbed.


A/N: Hope you like the story so far >_< I think the next chapter is going to be from Taehyun's POV as well~

Also, unrelated but I'm so excited for txt's new album! >_< I can't believe they're making another comeback so soon after freeze!

Stay safe and hydrated <3

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