Chapter 17:

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In Eun-hyuk's POV:

I think back to my younger sister, Eun-yoo. As her older brother, I felt protective over her, but with Ji-eun, this felt different. It wasn't the same feeling I would get with Eun-yoo. It was something more foreign. A feeling I'd never felt before.




Back to Ji-Eun's POV:

"Here, can you help me with this?" Eun-hyuk asks, handing me a stack of papers. I nod my head slowly, not trusting myself to speak at the moment, afraid I would cry. Hopefully helping Eun-hyuk would distract me enough to take away my fear, even for a little while. I look around before pulling over a chair from across the room. I sit next to Eun-hyuk, making sure to leave a reasonable size space between us.

"What should I look for?" I ask quietly.

"A way to turn on the building's PA system." He says as he motions to the machine beside the computer. 

Upon giving it a closer look, I recognize the machine to be similar to one I had used when I was in high school.

"I think I know how," I say, leaning towards the machine before freezing. I realize that I would have to be much closer to Eun-hyuk to have access to the machine. Also realizing this, EUn-hyuk sits back in his seat, giving me space to reach the PA box.

I press the button that I knew would turn on the machine, seeing a promising green light turn on as I do. I then try to remember what I had to do to use the device. Thinking back to my high school days, I remember helping the teachers make the morning announcement over the school's PA system. But most of the time, the teachers had already set it up for me upon me arriving at the office.

Hearing papers ruffling beside me, I don't p[ay attention to EUn-hyuk. I try to figure out the device in front of me. I remember my teacher saying how the PA system could either send announcements to a whole building or just to a specific room if needed. Button number one was used to makes announcements to the whole school.

"Let's try you." I silently whisper to myself. As I reach my hand towards the first button, I am unaware of Eun-hyuk leaning forward as well. Just as my hand brushed the surface of the button, I sense him close to me and quickly turn to face him. 

I, however, wasn't aware of exactly how close we had been. I stare wide-eyed at the Eun-hyuk. For the second time today, we were once again so close to each other, our faces only centimeters apart. Feeling his breath fan across my face, I'm frozen in place. Unable to move as I look into his eyes. For a brief moment, a glance down at his lips before looking back into his eyes.

I can't help but think about a drama I had seen on tv. The main character had gotten stuck in a similar situation with their love interest. The scene ended with the two characters sharing a kiss. Widening my eyes at this thought, I start to blush as I quickly turn my face away and pull away from Eun-hyuk.

Clearing my throat, I point to the first button on the PA system as I sat back against my chair. "Push that to speak to the whole building... and hold the button on the mic as you speak," I mumble out, no longer daring to even look at Eun-hyuk.

Eun-hyuk nods his head once before he picks up the mic. He presses the first button on the device before pressing down on the button attached to the mic itself.

"Ah ah ah," He says into the mic. I can hear his voice coming from the hallway speaker. I guess the PA system was still working.

"Are you going to make an announcement?" I ask curiously as to why we were even messing with this device.

"Maybe. Not at this exact moment but it might come in handy to have this working." Eun-hyuk tells me as he switches off the machine and places the mic down onto the desk.

We sit in silence for a few moments before Eun-hyuk speaks up again. 

"The gun you used, is it yours?" He asks me.

My eyes widen as I suddenly remember the gun. I remember giving it to him to hide.

"Yes, it's mine. Where is it?" I quickly ask, looking towards the door to make sure no one would walk in and hear our conversation.

"Don't worry, I've hidden it somewhere. I don't want the others to see it and panic. Do you have any more bullets for it? It might come in handy if another monster breaks in." He says.

"Yes, I have several boxes full," I admit.

"Good, we should hide those later as well. Somewhere only the two of us can find them." He starts before standing up from his seat. He looks to a clock on the wall before speaking again.

We should go check on the others, they should all be awake by now. We have to start making a plan." He says. 

I nod my head and stand from my chair. Eun-hyuk leads the way as we exit the office where we go to find the rest of the building residents.

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