Chapter 16: Road for Redemption (Pyrrha Nikos)

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(At Ozpin's castle, the Regime members are seen discussing about the insurrection incited by the Insurgency and the Prime Earth Heroes while Regime Ozpin is seen sitting in a chair, separated from the others as he starts having doubts about his empire. Regime Ironwood shows concern about his friend, while Regime Red Robin is completely pissed due to the fact the Mandalorian was slowly gaining the upper hand. Then Regime Wonder Woman starts talking.)

Wonder Woman (Regime): The duplicates. They have incited an insurrection.

Xehanort (Regime): We must surpress this filth.

Reverse Flash (Regime): Willfulness leads to anarchy. And a future ruled by anarchists can't be considered a future. It cannot be allowed to spread!

(Everyone nods as Regime Ironwood is the last to do so. Then Regime Ozpin speaks up as they look at him when he voices up.)

Ozpin (Regime): I made them safe. Shielded them. But am I really doing what I claim I'm doing? Do I really keep telling my self that? Perhaps I should stop what I'm doing...

(As he pauses for a moment, Regime Pyrrha, Regime Vernal and Anti-Riku enter the room.)

Ozpin (Regime): No. If they prefer chaos, I'll give it to them. Vale and Kamino. I'll destroy 'em. Set an example. Then I'm finding the dimension these duplicates came from. They'll pay for interfering.

Vernal (Regime): (shocked) Wait. We're wiping out whole cities? Invading worlds in other dimensions?

Ozpin (Regime): You have a problem, Vernal?

Vernal (Regime): Well... yes. That's crazy. We're going too far.

Wonder Woman (Regime): Man's world is incapable of self-rule. We will preserve order.

Vernal (Regime): No... No... There should be limits.

(Regime Pyrrha tries to interfere, but Anti-Riku doesn't let as he knows what happens next.)

Vernal (Regime): Even for us. Especially on us!

Ozpin (Regime): That's enough!

Vernal (Regime): We can't do this. Have you gone nuts?! Oscar would never want...

(Enraged for being lectured about Oscar, Ozpin pierces Vernal's heart, and then he slits her throat, killing her. Almost everyone is utterly shocked. Then Ozpin glares at the shocked ones.)

Ozpin (Regime): Anyone else dares question me?

(No one speaks up as Regime Ozpin continues his plan.)

Ozpin (Regime): James. Jaune. Take control of all media broadcasts. I want everyone to see this. Wonder Woman. Hawkman. Reverse. You're with me. Xehanort. Prepare your ground forces. Riku. Pyrrha. Get the hound ready.

(He takes one last look at the dead Vernal with a little bit of remorse, then offers an apologetic look to Pyrrha. Then he leaves  with his teammates, leaving Regime Pyrrha and Anti-Riku as Regime Hazel comes in.)

Anti-Riku: Take him outside!

Hazel (Regime): I'll dig a really big hole. (carries Vernal) She will be properly buried.

(Regime Pyrrha holds her late mother figure one last time as Regime Hazel leaves while Anti-Riku gets to work starting up The Hound. Regime Pyrrha on the other hand, just stood there in grief about her mother figure's death.)

Pyrrha (Regime): She was right. This isn't what we signed for.

Anti-Riku: We did our job. We eliminated crime.

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