A deal with the devil

Start from the beginning

"So emperor zorzal let me ask again do you accept my deal?I know you already said yes but I want to hear it again."Giselle said

"No,your highness you must not accept this deal,your actions will cause the other gods to invoke their wrath on us!"Senator moltose shouted

"No,we must get all the other help we need, Giselle I accept your assistance."Zorzal said

"Now I want to seal it with a blood pact."Giselle then produced a paper and a knife.

"Emperor zorzal please sign the contract,take the knife and cut yourself so you can bind your kingdom to hardy in return my mistress hardy shall defend sadera from the otherworlders and the wrath of the other gods of sadera."

Zorzal then took the knife and cut his palm droplets of blood drip onto the contract of hardy.Immediately saw a symbol burned into his hands and his generals also suffered the same fate.Those that supported the emperor all have hardy mark on them all of them felt a surge of power run through them.

"What is the meaning of this?"Zorzal said

"You are now followers of my mistress hardy,now all of sadera shall worship hardy as their one true goddess."Giselle said

"Now as my first order of business I want all the temples dedicated to the other gods of sadera to be destroyed especially the sun god flare as my mistress hardy is extremely weak against the power of the sun also more temples to be build to worship hardy to increase her power"Giselle said.

"Fine,now I order all those temples belonging to the other gods to be destroyed and in their destruction build more temples for our true goddess hardy!"Zorzal shouted

"For hardy! the one true goddess of sadera!"The pro war senator shouted

Tyuule saw this and immediately packed her stuff and brought those not loyal to zorzal out of sadera and out of nightfall she is out of sadera and on her way to dalmus hill to seek refuge.

Realm of the gods
"Hardy what have you done!You have going to be the death of us!"Flare shouted.

"Oh Lord flare, I see you as a threat to my power as the power of the sun burns away my power like nothing so I see you that you must go first.Besides you gotta do what you gotta do to be the main guy or should I say main girl in the world."Hardy said

"You won't get away with this!"Emroy shouted.

"Well I guess all of you shall bow before me as your followers shall be slaughtered to death by the imperial army and all of you shall disappear or all of you can serve me,I am the queen of the gods now."hardy laughed and vanished away.

"What shall we do emroy?hardy is taking advantage of the situations."Flare said

"Flare, your power must not fade as hardy is extremely weak to the power of the sun especially the power of thermonuclear fusion hurt hardy a lot during your previous battle with her."Emroy said

"Emroy is right." Wareharun the goddess of  trees and forest said

"Flare must not fade as only flare has the power to produce thermonuclear fusion but it takes a lot of flare power to create nuclear fusion at the level of divine power left in flare,Flare can only produce several nuclear fusion before expiring and fading away."Elange the God of Knowledge said

"I think we need to help the otherworlders now as they are the only army that can stand against sadera and hardy."Elange said

"Are you mad,the otherworlders have advanced technology,they will make us useless!" Lunaryur the god of music shouted

"We don't have a choice based on what I have seen of them so far they are not unreasonable we can sort of make a deal with them."Elange said

"Alright,now what we do will determine our fate,now who in favor of helping the jsdf and fallout America to destroy sadera and hardy in the process."Emroy said

All of the gods voted in favor

"Very well,we should tell our apostles to make contact with the jsdf and fallout America to tell them this predicament as this is not a war between several advanced civilization but between gods now and we would very like appreciate their help."Duncan the god of smithing said

"I agree, remember all of you flare is survival is our top responsibility as the goddess hardy is extremely weak against the power of thermonuclear fusion which only flare have.I don't think the otherworlders have the power of thermonuclear fusion."Elange said

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Gate gods reference

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