Bitan was extremely generous towards him and hadn't limited his food at all, there wasn't any delicacy or seasonal vegetable or fruit that he couldn't have. But no matter how fine or exquisite the food was, Shi Wuduan knew that the stuff Bitan provided was completely ordinary. The precious herbs that grew in the mountains that could help with cultivating, gathering qi, clearing the mind, the herbs that others ate like cabbage, he hadn't seen even a single stalk of it during his five-years stay.

Ah, his Bitan-shishu really was meticulous, too bad he just wasn't ruthless enough.

Shi Wuduan chewed on that bitter, hard to come by Shilong Grass and thought, Bitan sure is impressive, it's only a pity that he's too soft, always reminiscing about the good old days and worrying about his reputation. Banya is cruel enough, it's just a pity that he hasn't got much brains and can't accomplish anything of note. If these two people could fuse into one, the grass on my grave would probably be several feet tall already.

That was when Yan Zhen noticed Shi Wuduan. He could tell of course that the illusion wouldn't last long, but illusions were a dying art. Being able to conjure such a lifelike lotus dripping with dew, letting it bloom and wither in an instant lonely figure was impressive. Everyone stared as if they couldn't get enough, but that lonely figure was noticeably more interested in the Shilong Grass. He didn't even raise his head.

Looking at him from afar, Yan Zhen couldn't help asking the person next to him, "Who is that young man? Is he not participating?"

Bitan hurriedly answered, "That's my young shizhi, he's my shixiong's - the former sect leader's youngest disciple. He.... is rather frail and unsuited for martial arts, although he is quite well-read."

Yan Zhen's interest was piqued, "Oh? This youngster's appearance is quite decent, why don't you call him over so I can take a closer look."

Bitan frowned, glanced at Yan Zhen, and hesitated before answering, "Well.... Grand Mentor, this shizhi of mine's potential is limited and still young, I'm afraid he might cause offense...."

Yan Zhen smiled, "Would I really sink to the level of a half-grown child? Just call him over."

On the stage, the Lotus Seat llusion had already collapsed. The flower petals and water droplets quietly rang and shattered like glass. Those with weaker cultivation began to come back to their senses and burst out with cheers and applause.

When Shi Wuduan received Bitan's notice, he startled and looked towards Yan Zhen. Yan Zhen raised his cup to him as if in invitation.

He thought, "why's this man randomly soliciting me for?" while he very slowly stood up. Even such a simple action got dragged out into a laborious affair, as if the motion would take him a full year to complete.

Bitan cleared his throat, unable to watch any longer. Shi Wuduan looked at him expressionlessly and said with fake concern, "It's almost autumn now, you'd better take care of your health, shishu."

- Except Jiulu Mountain was all clear skies, lush forests, and green grass.

Kuruo frowned, becoming more guarded. Shi Wuduan slowly shuffled over to Yan Zhen. Banya looked from afar at the two, one standing and one sitting, one questioning and one answering; Yan Zhen even seemed to have a smile on his face. Banya casually gestured for Zhao Chengye, who was sitting next to him, to move closer.

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