Chapter 11

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  Charlie closed her door, locking it as she slipped her wet umbrella into the tall container by the door, keeping the water off of her hardwood floors. She slipped her bag over her head and shrugged out of her leather jacket and threw both on one of her couches. The temperature had dropped drastically and the rain added to the chill setting in her bones.

Her whole world still felt as if it were thrown off its axis and a hot shower and warm cup of tea sounded just like what the doctor ordered for her diminished spirit. She stripped as she made her way to her bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes in her wake. She wasn't worried about the two sink to ceiling windows in her kitchen as she took her clothes off. She was on the third and last floor so if anyone was looking they'd barely be able to make her out.

She stood under the searing stream of water, letting it cascade over her head and down the rest of her body. Her thoughts felt jumbled. She couldn't make heads from tails as she blankly stared at the marble tiles in front of her. Sighing, she turned the water off and reached for her towel hoping that a cup of tea would do the trick. She towel dried her hair pulled a black sports bra over her head and slipped into a pair of over-sized basketball shorts. She pulled her hair back into a tight ponytail and slid her feet into her Nike slippers before she headed into the kitchen. She flipped the switch, revealing the large open area as she reached for her kettle.


Elizabeth hesitated less than a block away. She could see Charlie's apartment in the upper right corner, but the lights were out. Of course she would be at work, Elizabeth thought to herself. She felt like kicking herself for even coming here in the first place. Charlie wouldn't want to see her after the way she'd treated her. She was about to turn around when she saw the kitchen light turn on, showing Charlie's figure moving around and she froze.

It felt as though the heavens wept for her as the rain fell even harder down on her. She began to walk away with a heavy heart. She made it three steps before her soggy heel snapped, twisting her right ankle. She cried out as she caught her balance, managing not to fall. She looked down at her ruined shoe and sore ankle as she leaned against the pole of a stop sign. She bent down and removed it, holding it by the strap. She straightened and leaned her head back against the pole. Could this night get any worse? She wondered.

Elizabeth sighed. Her phone was soaked and there wasn't a car in sight to ask for a ride to go only God knows where. She looked back at the loft and wondered if her shoe breaking was God's way of telling her she had been headed in the wrong direction. She put weight on her ankle, testing it. It hurt, but she was able to walk and she cautiously began to make progress down the street.


Charlie had just filled the kettle and sat it on a burner when she heard a knock on her door. She looked at the digital clock on her stove, already knowing it was late. She had no idea who would be at her door so late, especially with out calling. Then she remembered she'd stopped to turn her ringer off on her home and cell phones so she wouldn't be disturbed.

She didn't believe her eyes for a moment as she peered through the peep hole. She briefly wondered if she'd fallen asleep without realizing it and could be dreaming. If she was she didn't want to wake up and she felt herself quickly opening the door.

"Hi." Elizabeth had a look of apprehension on her face.

"Hi." Charlie responded as she stared at her for a moment, just drinking in the sight of her. Then it registered that she was soaking wet and trembling as she clutched her purse and one of her shoes. "Jesus, you're drenched. Come in."

"I don't want to intrude." Elizabeth took a hesitant step in, then another, as she looked around. "I was just walking by when my shoe gave out on me. My phone is soaked. I was hoping it wouldn't be too much trouble to use yours."

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