Chapter 4

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Even though Elizabeth knew the fund raiser was for a good cause, better computers and books for the public schools in their area, she couldn't help feeling resentment for being forced to be there. None of her excuses for major deadlines at work got her out of it. So, she found herself Saturday night with a fake smile plastered on her face while she was helping her mother host the dinner which offered raffles and other brilliant ideas inclined to suck the money out the attendees' fat pockets even though they'd already paid a thousand per plate.

She was relieved when it was finally over, and John gave her a ride home. Her relief quickly turned to frustration when John pulled up to her home and turned off his gold Buick Enclave and slid the key out of the ignition. "What are you doing?" She asked him.

"I'm coming in. I thought I'd spend the night. Is that a problem?" John asked with his hand poised on the door handle.

"Of course not. You didn't mention anything about it, so I wasn't sure." She forced her lips into a smile.

She slipped off her pumps once in her bedroom and began to remove her clothes. She felt John at her back just as he wrapped her in his long arms, and she stiffened as he began to trail dry kisses down her neck. His large hands came up to cup her breasts, massaging them gently. He started to turn her in his arms to face him.

"John, it's been a really long day. I'm exhausted." She silently prayed that he'd give it a rest.

"I'll be quick, I promise." John kissed her then, roughly shoving his tongue into her mouth, almost making her gag. He quickly removed his suit and the remainder of her clothes before he scooped her up and laid her on the bed.

She tried to dissuade him once more, but he shushed her. Then he was on her, in her, pushing forcefully as he entered her tight, dry walls. She grimaced and took deep measured breaths as she stared at the ceiling. She tried to remind herself that John was a good man who loved her as he pumped furiously, grunting loudly in her ear as sweat poured off of his body onto hers.


"I just wanted to call and apologize again for not being able to make it Saturday." Elizabeth leaned back in her plush leather office chair.

"It's not a big deal." Charlie responded through the phone.

"Maybe not, but I still feel the need to make it up to you. Do you think you'd be free tomorrow afternoon for lunch? I know this amazing Asian restaurant called Aria that's not far from my job on North Columbus Drive. Do you like Asian food?"

"I do actually." Charlie smiled as she walked aimlessly down an aisle of her favorite supermarket, grocery shopping forgotten as she saw Elizabeth's name flash on her Caller I.D. "Tomorrow's a pretty hectic day for me." She lied causing Elizabeth to frown in disappointment. "But let me see if I can shift a few things around and I'll give you a call back."

"Sure. Absolutely." Elizabeth agreed before they hung up. She found herself anxiously staring at the phone or checking for missed calls throughout the day. It was almost four pm when Charlie called her back and she'd just about given up on the idea. She almost got excited when Charlie did call but managed to contain herself until she heard the outcome. "Here I was thinking that you forgot about me." She answered smoothly.

Charlie gave a low chuckle. "I don't think I'll ever be able to forget you."

Elizabeth closed her eyes, leaned her head back and crossed her legs; the friction sending sparks of pleasure shooting through her lower midsection. She couldn't understand her sudden arousal. She took a deep breath and cleared her throat.

"Hello?" She heard Charlie in her ear.

"I'm sorry. What were you saying?" She uncrossed her legs and sat up straighter in her chair.

"I was just saying that if the offer still stands, then I'd love to have lunch with you tomorrow."

"Of course, it still stands!" Elizabeth grinned as they scheduled a time. Exhilaration coursed through her at the thought of seeing Charlie again.

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