Chapter 13

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  It proved to slightly less of a hassle getting into Elizabeth's home than it was getting out of Charlie's, but they were well aware of being followed. It wasn't until they stepped into the safety of her living room and turned on the lights that they realized that they weren't alone. "Of all the nerve!" Alexis exploded upon sight of Charlie. "How could you do this?"

"Calm down. I didn't want anyone to find out like this, but I'm in love with her." Elizabeth faced her.

"Her? HER! Do you hear yourself? You're a woman. You can't be in love with another woman!"

"I can and I am."

"So what about John? What was that?" Alexis closed in on them, placing her hands on her hips.

"John ... John was me being afraid of accepting who I am. John was me being unable to stand up to our parents."

"Don't give me that crap. He's devastated. You don't stay with someone for that long just to please other people. He didn't deserve what you did to him last night. How could you humiliate him and our family like that?"

"You're right, he didn't deserve that and I'm going to apologize to him, but I couldn't say yes. I never loved him and we wouldn't have been any happier married than we were last eight years. This is my life and my actions should have no affect on yours or Mom's and Dad's. You're standing there acting as if you just found out I'm a terrorist or something."

"Might as well be the same thing. You're killing this family."

"Wake up! This family has been rotting from the inside for longer than I can remember. Stop fooling yourself into thinking that everything is good and perfect in your world. You and I both know that you're not happy either. Don't be mad at me because I finally did something about it."

"Don't stand there and try to tell me how I feel! I am happy with my life the way it is. You're the one going through some sort of early mid-life crisis. You need help and that's why I'm here."

"Mid-life ... Alex, listen to yourself. You're not making any sense. I'm not having a crisis or any kind of mental or emotional breakdown. I realized last night that I couldn't live my life pretending to be something that I'm not." Elizabeth went back and forth with her older sibling.

"That's exactly what you're doing! You let this person slip into your life when you were vulnerable and let her manipulate you into thinking that what you have is good and whole and just. It's not! It's a sin and she is condemning your soul to an eternity in Hell. Come with me Elizabeth. We'll go with Mom and Dad to see Rev. Mourner. He'll help you."

"Rev. Mourner? You mean Rev. Moron. That man is a complete idiot and an utter asshole. He may have everyone else in the congregation fooled, but I see right through him. A man of God?! I see the way he undresses every attractive woman he comes across with his eyes. That man is not worthy of the position that he's wormed his way into, so don't stand there telling me that I need help." Elizabeth countered. Charlie tried to hide a smile as she watched with pride while Elizabeth stood her ground.

Alexis stared at her in shock before she found her bearings. She raised her hand and slapped Elizabeth hard across the cheek. Security had remained outside so it was Charlie she found herself nose to nose with as Elizabeth held her reddening cheek in disbelief. "Get your hands off of me you disgusting vermin!" She tried to resist as she was roughly slammed up against the wall.

"You do that again and I'll do more than just rough you up." Charlie promised as she pinned her to the wall her fingers like steel around the collar of her blouse. She reached over to the door just inches away with her free hand and opened it, shoving Alexis outside. Cameras flashed and voices called out, but none of it penetrated Charlie's rage.

Alexis stumbled as she was forced onto the front porch. "You can't throw me out." She turned to face Charlie who now blocked the entrance, the guards watching in open curiosity. She took a step towards her and Charlie squared her shoulders.

"I wish you would." Charlie eyes her menacingly as she took a step to meet her. She watched as Alexis sized her up. She watched the realization shine in her eyes that she would be picking a losing battle. Elizabeth occupied the doorway watching as her sister swore that it wasn't over and hastily retreated through the paparazzi towards her car. Charlie turned around and twisted Elizabeth's head, inspecting her still red cheek. "Are you all right?"

Elizabeth nodded as they stepped back inside and closed the door. She sighed as she pressed the door closed and placed the back of her head against it. "They're never going to understand." Tears began to brim. "I don't know how to make them understand."

"You're not suppose to make them. Some people just need time. I honestly don't think your family is going to accept us being together though."

"Don't say that. They'll come around eventually. They have to." Elizabeth looked on bleakly as Charlie hugged her.

"I think you need to prepare yourself for if they don't." Charlie whispered softly into her hair.

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