Teddy froze.

'Deaddy! Won't you fight for your Deaddy dead parents? I bet they were as stupid and dumb as you are! I bet they didn't dare to fight either.'

That was the last straw. He didn't care that the boy had insulted him, but his parents were NOT stupid. How did this jerk, this idiot, this bloody bastard dare? Teddy turned around, ran up to the boy and punched him in the stomach. The fight had began.

'Ted stop!' William yelled from beside. But Teddy didn't care. Will could scream how much he wanted. Nothing gave anyone to tease him about his dead parents. No one. No one. No one. No one. No one. Then someone roughly pulled the two boys apart.

'What do you think that you are doing!?' professor Longbottom said angrily. Angrier than Teddy had ever seen him. 'My office. Now!'

The boys followed professor Longbottom to his office. A small room on the first floor of the castle. It was filled with different plants and here and there sat pictures of his wife Hanna Longbottom who now was the owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

He pointed on two chairs and Teddy and the curly haired boy sat down. Professor Longbottom sat down in the chair on the other side of the desk.

Slowly Teddy started to regret what he had done. How could he be so stupid to punch a boy. Sure the boy was an idiot but still. He really was stupid. Really stupid. He wondered what Harry would say, because he was sure that professor Longbottom would tell Harry. They were after all friends.

'So,' the professor said and looked at the two boys. 'Please tell me what in the whole world flew into you.'

Teddy looked down in his knee. He felt very ashamed. He wished that he hadn't done anything. He wished that he could just stay away, but then deep inside of him he had this weird feeling. He was somehow, in a crazy way, happy that he had done it, even if he also really regreted it. It actually scared him a bit. Could he really be happy to have punched a person.

'He punched me in the stomach. Professor,' the curly haired boy said.

'You say he punched you in the stomach Ember? Is this true Lupin?'

Teddy nodded, noticing that professor Longbottom used their last names, which he practically never did. He knew that it wouldn't be worth to tell the whole story, not when the boy, Ember, was there.

'But you punched him back?' professor Longbottom said and looked at Ember.

'Well yes, but I promise you, it was all self defence. I would never, never punch anyone otherwice. I hope you understand that sir.'

Teddy gave Ember a disguised look. He really hated that boy, always trying to be good in front of teacher, be their little pet. He was just an idiot. The jerk didn't even understand that everyone saw right through him.

'I will have to take twenty points from Slytherin, and give you four days detention. You may go Ember but Lupin, you stay.'

Teddy didn't move from his chair. Ember rose, gave Teddy a mean smile and left the room. Teddy looked up from his knee and met professor Longbottom's eyes.

'So Teddy,' he said, using Teddys first name again. 'I hope you understand how dissapointed I am at you. Never would I think that you of all people would do something that stupid. Now would you please tell me the whole story because I just won't believe that you punched him without reason.'

'Well,' Teddy said quiety and looked down again. 'He and his gang were tesing Victoire Weasley, from Gryffindor. They had taken her bag and I felt that was stupis so I told them to give it back. When he didn't I... well... I told him that I was going to hex him. But before I even niticed he had stuifyed me or something and well... I was just about to go when... when... he started to say man things about my mum and dad,' Teddy realized how stupid it all sounded and blushed, but proffesor Longbottom didn't seem to think that he was stupid. Not at all.

'I see,' he said. 'So you punched him?'

Teddy nodded.

'Well I can't say I don't understand, but still, it's no reason to start a fight. I hope you understand this. I will take twenty points from Hufflepuff and you will also get four days detention, I'm sure you understand why. And now I really hope that something like this ever happens again. Can I be sure of tha?'

Teddy nodded. 'I promise sir,' he said. 'I know that it was really stupid of me.'

'Well then, of you go.'

Teddy rose from his chair and walked from the office. He could't help but somehow feel happy, even if he had four days detintion and even if he had lost twenty points. He wasn't sure where the happy feeling came from. Maybe that professor Longbottom hadn't really semed angry and that he had told Teddy that he understood. Teddy was sure that he really did.


A/n: Hallo! I hope you liked the Chapter. I'm not sure if it was too "messy" if you know what I mean. Please review!!! I would also like to thank rawenclawspride for writing the first review! Thank you very much, it really made me very happy!

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