Chapter 4: Memories and Visions

Start from the beginning

"Do you...remember everyone?" Thor asked worried.

"Of course I do you big idiot. How could I forget my family?" You laughed.

You then kept looking around, searching for Loki when you suddenly spotted him in the back, staring at you worried. You instantly smiled and walked slowly towards him.

"Aren't you going to say something?" You said.

"I am so sorry lovebirds but we really don't have any time." Tony cut you and you immediately turned to him. "We also need to catch you up." He said and led you to the next room.

In the middle of it there was a weird glass and metal coffin with a body inside of it. Weirdly this was not the oddest thing you had seen inside this house. Tony and the others then sat you down and started explaining everything that had happened the last couple of years that eventually lead to the crisis they were facing now.

Apparently after you were gone to London Thor and Loki had returned to Asgard where Loki continued his search for a cure along with Frigga. Sadly they weren't able to find anything and Loki faked his death in an attempt to do his own research by himself. According to him it would be easier to do it "his won way", athough you got a weird feeling from both the brothers as they were telling that story. In the end you decided to overlook it and focus on the bigger problem.

After that Thor decided to follow his girlfriend Jane Foster to earth. They had been together for a while and once he started talking about her you felt as if he would never stop. Thankfully Tony cut him quickly and got back to the important stuff.

Nothing much had really happened to the rest team during these past three years. They obviously missed you very much but other than that life had been quite simple. They went to a couple of missions every now an then but nothing serious.

Finally, about a week before you got there, a terrible accident had happened in the tower. After the New York invasion Tony had never been the same, he had always been searching for a way to completely eliminate all that's outside the earth.

When he got Loki's scepter on his hands he had to try out something new. And that's how he built Ultron, an artificial intelligence, just like J.A.R.V.I.S. that sadly took the wrong turn.

Ultron ended up to developing a mind of his own and decoding that the only way to bring "peace in our time" was to eliminate every human in earth. In an attempt to stop his J.A.R.V.I.S. was killed and now the team was chasing an evil robot army while being chased by the government.

Overall a great story to say to the grandchildren.

"So you managed to create an artificial intelligence that turned out to be evil and is now trying to destroy you?" You finally said to Tony. "Why isn't this surprising me at all?"

"And now he wants to do it again." Steve suddenly said furiously.

"I told you it's not like that. J.A.R.V.I.S is going to help us." Tony objected.

"You don't know that." Steve said and they all started shouting again.

"Wait, I thought J.A.R.V.I.S. was dead." You said in confusion.

"I actually found him online. He was hiding all this time. And now all I want to do it give him a body so he can help us!" Tony said and looked at Steve.

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