Chapter 10. Truth or Dare

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Willa's POV on
I sit on the couch next to Bucky thinking "what if someone dares me to break up with Bucky or do something bad" i started to get a little worried. "Alright, who's going first?" A-Lan asked.  "I'll go!" Addison replied. "Okay, truth or dare?" A-Lan asked. "Hmmmmm, truth, to start off easy" Addison smiled. "Okay. "When was the last time you lied?" A-Lan questioned. "W-well, I lied to Zed, about doing his homework, I didn't want to, ok?!" Addison said in a rude tone. "Alright, Alright, no need to be rude" A-Lan calmed her down. "Ok...who's next?" I asked. "Me! I'll go! Wynter replied. "Ok...truth or dare, Wynter?" I asked and then smirked at her. "Hmmmm, truth" Wynter started to get nervous. "Ok, Who is your secret crush?" I asked her. Wynter started choking on her water. "Ummmmm, I-I don't have one." "Are you sure? You looked a little nervous..." I asked her. "Yeah, I'm sure!" Wynter looked down. "Alright, if you say so!" I replied. "Ok, so who's next?" A-Li questioned. "I'll go next!" Wyatt replied. "Okay, truth or dare?" A-Li questioned. "Hmmmmm, dare!" Wyatt replied. "Ok....I dare you to make out with Wynter for 30 seconds" A-Li said. "Ok, that's not bad at all!" Wyatt chuckled. "Mhm, now do the dare" A-Li started to get annoyed. "Yeah, yeah! I heard you the first time!" Wyatt rolled his eyes and walked to the bathroom with Wynter and he does the dare and walks back. "There, are you happy now?!" Wyatt got mad. "Mhm...glad nobody chicken out" A-Li laughed a little. "Mhm, whatever, who's next?!" Wyatt rolled his eyes and asked. "You know, I'll go!" I started to get nervous. "Ok, truth or dare, Willa?" Wyatt asked. "Uhhhhhhhh, dare, no truth, yeah dare!!" I laughed awkwardly. "Alright, I dare you to, break up with Bucky for the whole night!" Wyatt smiled. "Ummmmm, o-okay, B-Bucky we are breaking up" I started to get sad and turned around, a-alright done! "ok who's next?" A-Spen asked. "I'll do!" Bucky replied. "Ok, truth or dare, Bucky?" A-Spen asked. "Truth!" Bucky replied. "Ok, Who do you care about more? A-Spen asked. "'s my "ex girlfriend" Willa, I care about her a lot, sorry guys" Bucky laughed a little. "Awwwww, that's so cute!" A-Li smiled. "Ok, who's next?" Wynter asked. "I'll go next!" Wyllow replied. "Alright, truth or dare?" Wynter asked. "Truth" Wyllow replied. "Ok, What's the worst thing you've ever done?" Wynter asked. "Oooo things got interesting." I replied. "The worst thing I ever done was probably, kissed Jacey while Wynter and Jacey were dating, that was 6 months ago." "Yeah, never forgot that day" Wynter replied. "Ok, A-Lan your next so truth or dare?" I asked. "Dare" A-Lan replied. "Okay, I dare you to, Run around the outside of the house three times." I replied. "Okay, easy!" A-Lan runs out and does the dare then comes back. "Done!" A-Lan replied. "Good job!" I replied. "Okay, A-Li your next, truth or dare?" "Truth!" A-Li replied. "Ok, If you could be invisible, what is the first thing you would do?" I asked her. "Hmmmmm, I would probably scare people" A-Li laughed. "Ooooo, that be funny!" I chuckled. "Alight, A-Spen, your last, truth or dare?" "Truth for sure!" "Ok, What's your biggest fear?" I asked. "My biggest fear is losing you guys!" A-Spen smiled. "Awwwww, we don't wanna lose you too!" I smiled. "Alright, that was a fun game!" Wynter smiled. "Yeah! Woah it's late, I'm going to bed" A-Lan said and lay down and went to bed. "Woah, he's right, it is late, well goodnight y'all!" I said and lay down and went to sleep"

*everyone went to bed*

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