You've really done it this time, Y/N.

Bile rises in your throat, urging you to expel your innards across the table.

You raise your eyebrows and remain silent, sinking further into your seat.

"Y/N, you said that you never had contact with this person?" Leia presses, leaning forward onto the table.

You shake your head adamantly, feigning equal confusion.

"I just heard whispers, Snoke was trying to build up his numbers until it backfired. I was on the Finalizer when he was assassinated," You explain.

She watches you contemplatively, desperately trying to sense your feelings.

"And you only trained with Kylo, not even the Knights of Ren?" Finn clarifies.

You shake your head again, "I only saw them once, and it wasn't a very pleasant experience. I just trained with Kylo and went back to my room. I was occasionally allowed to get food on my own, opposed to it being delivered to me," You develop.

"How come they didn't prosecute you for killing all of those officers?" Han quips curiously, placing his feet on the table.

"They tried, Snoke told them that they couldn't do anything to me," You explain.

"Damn, the Supreme Leader of the First Order granted you amnesty despite your various crimes? He must have known something," Poe thinks aloud. "And you didn't find anything out about your family?"

You gulp anxiously.

"No, Coruscant was a dead end. I figured the First Order was my best bet, since I haven't had much luck with honesty here," You snide.

Everyone looks at you with wide and saddened eyes.

"Y/N, please," Leia mumbles.

In all of your years with the Resistance, this is the first time you've seen her genuinely flustered, guilty.

"What's done is done, I can't say that I've moved past it, nor will I any time soon, but we can work through it," You admit. "I'm not going to abandon my family."

After you finish this phrase, you clench your jaw.

What kind of a family would let their son continue to go into darkness? Who would lie to their best chance to bring him back for eight years?

She nods appreciatively, "You've matured, Y/N."

Becoming the Supreme Leader of the First Order will do that to you.

"I've learned a lot," You tell them earnestly. "I want you all to consider a treaty with the First Order, just consider it. From what I've seen, I think this could be really promising."

The air grows tense with your suggestion.

"What have you seen?" Rey asks.

"I mean, they discontinued the storm trooper program," You state.

Finn leans forward and watches you intensely, "What?"

"Yeah, they're now taking new storm troopers in on a recruitment basis, no more kidnapping kids I guess," You continue, lacing your voice with ignorance.

His eyes widen and he begins to smile hopefully.

"They let me go, didn't they? Isn't that evidence enough?" You turn. "Just think about it, I don't have any documents or anything, there's nothing set in stone, but I do think it's worth our attention."

Death It Is- Kylo RenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz