Chapter 11

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[Y/n's POV]

I finally arrived at our meeting place and saw the girls, greeting them and we headed to the mall. 

"Nee, [Y/n]-chan. Which one do you think would suit me? This or this?" Nene asked while looking at herself in the mirror. I looked at the clothes that she picked and observed her. 

"Hmm... I think the 2nd one looked much better on you" I said, getting thanks from her. I then went to pick on my clothing. 

It took us about 2 hours to pick what we would be wearing cuz Suisei couldn't decide, so I had to help her with it. After that, we went to find a place that we could eat and luckily, we were all craving the same thing. 

"Say [Y/n], how come you never show the other new holovtubers your face?" Suisei suddenly asked me, I then stared at my food for a good 5 seconds before snapping back to reality. 

"Umm, you know that feeling that you're hiding from someone because you fault them that you haven't said to them?" I asked her, when she nodded I told her that that's what I was feeling. 

"So, you just let some of the other vtuber see you? Who are you even hiding at?" Suisei asked me as she took a sip of her drink. I stayed silent on her question, unable to answer.

"I'll reveal myself to the others at the hololive convention. Hide-and-Seek game isn't much my motto anymore" I said and laughed. 

[Hololive Convention]

I decided to come later a little late. I checked the group chat, looking if Kiara and Calli were already there and already left the building. "Great, I bought new clothes yesterday and I don't know what style I'm gonna go for."

I, indeed bought new clothes... too much to be exact. I decided to call Kson to ask her what I should wear, but she got nothing.

So I just decided to wear something casual. I wore a mostly faded dark blue long-sleeved polo and paired it up with black pants and a belt. Carrying a black coat in case for, something. 

As I arrived, I looked at the group chat again and saw that the girls(HoloMyth) and looking for me. I just replied saying that I'm here and they have to guess who I am. 

I went backstage and looked for Yagoo, I saw him talking to someone so I just let them finish before I went up to him and greeted him. 

"Ah [Y/n], it's great to see you here. Same thing as the past events?" he asked me, referring to hiding in a room so no one could see or meet me in person.

I shook my head and laughed a little, "Uhh, no. I'll join the meeting this time. I figure that hiding is just too tiring for me. Plus, it's not like they will expose my face on socials" I laughed as Yagoo joined. 

"Well, it's good that you finally got out of that shell of yours. Speaking of, Watson and the others are looking for you. Just in time as well because they'll be the ones who will perform after you." Yagoo said as he guided me to the meeting room where the other girls were. 

I took a deep breath as I and Yagoo entered the room, to my surprise. It was just the Hololive English who were in the room. 

[Kiara's POV]

"[Yt/n]-senpai said that she will see us, but she's taking too long," Amelia said getting impatient by the waiting. 

"Calm down, Ame-senpai. I'm sure [Yt/n]-senpai will meet us all" Bae said as she tried to convince same to wait a little more. 

Luckily, the waiting was over when the door opened revealing Yagoo with... [Y/n]?

"What is she doing here? Is she a staff or something?" I asked myself as Yagoo and [Y/n] entered the room. 

"Hello everyone, I know some of you are confused about who I'm with right now. But she'll be introducing herself, so do not worry" Yagoo said signaling [Y/n] to introduce herself. 

"Hello everyone, my name is [Y/n] [L/n] or you may know as... [Yt/n]" After she said that the whole room gasps at the information they heard. 

I frozed and look at her, "[Y/n] is [Yt/n]... I was idolizing my ex this whole time. I dated the famous hololive vtuber that everyone adores." I said to myself. I looked at Calli and she had the same expression as me. 

"My~ [Yt/n]- senpai, are single right now? Because I can give you a taste of what it's like to date the descendant of HOPE herself" Irys flirted at [Y/n], and she just laughed answering that she's not taken but not interested in dating. 

 "Senpai~ If you haven't experienced on dating a traveler like me, I'll gladly let you experience it." Ame then flirted with [Y/n]. 

I know she has a huge fault on me from the past...

But why do I feel jealous when they're flirting with her?

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