Chapter 5

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You were mining some iron and then you saw a lava pool, but on the other side of it is a diamond, "Oh god lucky" you said, placing a water bucket and taking it back, and went to mine the diamond, "3...4..5..6, holy shit, ok this is enough" you said and made a diamond pickaxe and an axe of course, mining some of the obsidian you created. 

You went out of the cave because you don't have flint and you can't find gravel anywhere, you saw an ocean and saw a gravel, and started to shovel it. 

After a few shovels you finally hot one and you made a flint and steel, looking around to see if any of the girls were nearby, looking at the chat you saw one of your friends commented "Jakemith thanks for the superchat 'When comeback?' shut up and I'm not sure" you said. 

All of a sudden Kiara hit you, "HOLY SHIT" you yelled and hit her too, "Come on just give up already [Yt/n]-chan, I wanna have a date with you with Calli~~" she said in a flirting way, you sighed knowing she hasn't changed. 

"Never, mwah ha ha ha," you said and hit her again, "AAAH, I'm on 4 hearts, CALLI" Kiara yelled and ran away, you tried to catch up but Gura suddenly hit you, and you noticed you only have 5 hearts, so you run the other way.

"No, get this smol shark away from me!!!" You yelled again, "A" was all Gura said and she kept on chasing you, you changed the camera angle to the front person and saw the other girls chasing you, "I'M NOT DYING TODAY, I REFUSE TO LOSE," you said going on top of the mountain, "Nowhere to run Senpai," Ame said, "That's what you taught, jumping off and did the water bucket trick.

 "YES!!" you screamed and ran. Meanwhile, the girl "OH COME ON" "NOOOOO" "DAMIT" Calli went down the mountain.

Back to you, you were still running until you saw a ruined portal, you looked at the chest, and saw a golden boot, 2 golden apples, and 6 flints "This chest is nice" you said, "You can have my chest if you want" Ame suddenly said, you just laugh it off, "W-what the fuck HAHAHAHHA" you said still laughing. 

Once you recovered you took the gold block placed some obsidian and created the portal going inside of it and you are in a horrible spawn.

Meanwhile the girls

"Oh look there's a portal, [Yt/n]-chan must have made that," Ina said, "Set a spawn," Calli said and so they did, "This is a lot harder than I thought," Gura said, "She's [Yt/n]-san, it's like she never dies," Kiara said, then you suddenly yelled "TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES", "She kinda reminds me of someone," Calli said, "Enough chit chat and let's go win this" Ame said and went in, "Oh [Yt/n]~~ where are you?~~~" Kiara cooed.

Back to you

You are now trading with the piglins, "Come on just 10 more ender pearls" you said to yourself, you still have a lot of time so you decided to mine some more gold, as you did you saw one of the girls, and you immediately went back to where you were trading, you saw some ender pearl, going down and taking out the stuff you don't need just to get the ender pearls. 

Once you got the ender pearls you went to where they were, drinking some fire resistance potion, and went to attack them, "COME HERE GIRLS" you yelled, and jump hit Calli, "Hey!" Calli said and jump hit you back, then Kiara also hit you, then Gura, once you realized you only got 2 hearts. 

You wanted to run away but once you realized you had nowhere to go you started strip mining, taking out some obsidian and blocking it, "DAMIT" Kiara yelled, "SHE ALMOST DIED" Ame said.


You found the bastion so you decided to go there, you some angry piglins and you attacked them of course, once you saw that there were no piglins you went to open their chest, "Sweet, 4 netherite ingots, and 6 golden carrots" you said, "Hey senpai" Ina said, "Yeah?" You asked, turn around, you turned around and saw Ina with an axe and you on the other hand only had 5 hearts, with Ina's two hits you were now dead, "WE WON"

"Dayum, I forgot to craft another shield," you said to yourself, "So...since we won, we want to see your face," Gura said, "Eh? No," you said, "Yeah Senpai, let us see your face," Ame said. 

You can tell she's smirking, "No, means no, Ame," you said, the girls did a synchronized  'aww'. You laughed and shook your head, "Don't worry girls, if I ever go to the convention, I promise that you girls will be the first to see me" You treasure them, although you knew you wouldn't be able to go there if you don't have a tight schedule.

'Oh noo...'
'[Yt/n]-san will only let them see, it's not fair'
'What if...'
'Haluh, si bading'

You laughed as you saw the comments, you looked at Calli and Kiara and they looked like they were debating something. "Haha tit3, joke," you said.

"WELP THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY EVERYONE SEE YOU ON THE NEXT VIDEO IF I WILL POST SOME, MAYBE WHAT THE HOLOMYTH WANT ME TO DO" you yelled, "Oooh, I like that idea" Ina said, "Welp, bye everyone!!!!" Gura said and so as the others, after that, you all ended the stream and the 6 of you were still on call.

"Senpaii, you better promise to us that we'll be the first to see your face at the convention or else" Gura threatened you as a joke, making you laugh because she sounded like a little kid. 

"I promise, Gura. Although, quite surprised that the other two aren't familiar with my voice tho" You simply said, making the five of them curious. 

"Well, I'll be leaving now, arrange some stuff at my business," You said as the 5 of them said goodbye to you. 


As you left the call, you took a long sigh, groaning and slapping your own face. "When will that bitch just go to jail already" 

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