Chapter 6

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[2nd POV]

You went to take a couple of papers from your desk and decided to work on the loans in the cafe you own. Well, your dad owns it but he passed it to you. 

As you were working, your kitten suddenly went to your table disturbing you. You chuckled as she lay down on the paperwork.  "[k/n], can I please have that? I'm going to need it" you asked her, but she didn't move. So you just decided to do that work later and focused on the other work. 

A sudden call came to you. You looked at it and saw that it was your mom, "Hey honey" the care in her voice almost made you cry, it was like you wanted to cry your stress, but you held it in. 

"Hi nay(mom in tagalog), any reason why you called right now?" you asked as you pet (k/n), you heard her sigh, usually it's not a good sign, so you were hoping it was not about you. 

"Your aunt is on the loose, people saw her yelling at a couple on the street but then she suddenly physically harmed them. So the police are now looking for her" she explained, your blood ran cold as you heard the news. You were scared that she might go to you to hide. 

"Nay, is it possible if I switch apartment" You asked her after a long silence. Luckily she agreed and wanted to pay for it but you refused, knowing that you already make enough money for yourself and to pay for an apartment.

"Alright honey, I'll look for a new apartment far from there. Just look who is knocking first before you open the door, kay?" She asked you, you agreed and said goodbye to the phone. 

You looked at the kitten that was in your lap and sighed, "Well [k/n], looks like you're gonna be moving with me as well" you said and smiled

A few days have passed and you're finally packing your things and informing your fans that you won't be able to stream because you'll be busy moving your things. 

"Is that the last box, nak(child in tagalog)?" Your dad asked as he was moving the box outside, you agreed to him as he carried the box outside. 

"Thanks for taking a leave to help me move my boxes, tay(dad in tagalog)" you said and he just laughed, making you confused. 

"There's no need to thank me, nak. I'm your dad, it's my job to help you, you know?" he said, making your heart whelm. 

"Well, that's the last of it. Are you sure you don't want us to come with you to your new apartment?" your mom asked, you shook your head and smiled at them. 

"There's no need, mom. Plus, you two have work to do today. So I'll be fine, I'll message you if I have any problems" you reassure them as they hesitant to disagree. 

You kissed them both on the cheeks and went inside your car. "Bye bye nay, bye tay. Mauuna na ko(I'll get going now)" you said as both of them waved at you goodbye. 

I Never Stopped (TakaMori x Fem reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora