
310 21 0

yeah, yeah, there ain't nothing

They was a bunch of chatter and commotion going on outside. Families and supporters of heroes you killed were outside cheering the policemen on. Although the policemen urged them to go home they were persistent in staying.

Glass shattered as you jumped out the window.  If you went out the door you would be standing face to face with them. 'They got here sooner than expected' you mumbled. Running to your car you looked around to see if anyone saw you. Once you turned back around there were three men in front of you.

They all jumped towards you at the same time. You dodged their attacks and managed to land a hit on each one of them. "Ti-," you began to say before being interrupted by one of them. "Silence" the man said and you couldn't talk no matter how hard you tried.

'What do I do' you frantically repeated in your head. "Get her" the man said motioning towards you. The other two boys ran towards you with knifes in their hands.

'Tibia' you thought mouthing the word as if you were actually speaking. All three men fell onto their knees then onto their face. Screaming out in agony as they rolled around holding onto their leg.

Quickly you ran away from the three and got into your car. Fumbling with the keys you started the car up and drove off. You looked in the rear view mirror and saw your house being breached. People flooded in searching all over the house for you.

Thankfully you were able to get away from the house without much trouble. You hoped you would be able to make it to the airport without any trouble. That would just be wishful thinking.

As you were driving away the police men at your house noticed the broken window and figured you jumped out of it. Some walked back outside looking for you while others stayed inside looking for clues as to where you could be going.

The police men outside noticed the three on the ground and questioned them. "What happened" the officer asked. "What do you think happened" the one on the ground spat. "Well where did she go" the officer asked looking around. "I don't know, but she drove off in her car" he responded.

"She's on the road. All units leave the area and try to find her" the officer spoke into the walkie talkie as he walked away from the three. "Wait come help us" the three yelled out as the officer continued to walk away.

You continued to drive and noticed flashing lights in your mirror. One vehicle was far behind you so you sped up. Swerving around the corners you had finally lost them, but another one appeared from the left.

You were swerving around cars passing by them as they honked their horns. You came to an intersection and the light was red. Cars from the left and right were passing by so you had no choice but to stop. Finally the light turned green so you hit the gas then someone rammed into the passenger side of your car. It was a police car.

You turned away from the car and kept driving forward. Two more cars were trying to hit both sides of your car so you sped up. The cars crashed into each other. Soon exploding from the impact as you continued to drive away.

A car was about to run into the front of yours so you swerved to the left, but a police car was about to ram you from left. You kept left hoping you'd miss it and the police car hit the tail end of your car. It caused the back end of your car to get pushed to the right. You struggled keeping control of the car. The tires locked and the car spun around. The car was about to go into a deep ditch so you grabbed your bag and jumped out.

You sprinted away from the scene. The police officer parked their cars and got out to see if you were still in your car. You kept running without looking. You would have started fighting them all, but you had a plane to catch.

Once you got far enough away you stopped running. You put your hands on your knees and tried to catch your breath. You were on the sidewalk watching as cars went by. You stood up straight and put your thumb out hoping someone would stop. You were exhausted from all that running and could barely keep your body steady.

A truck slowed down and stopped right beside you. The driver rolled down the window. "What are you doing out here in the dark" the driver asked. "My friends car ran out of gas" you lied. "Do they need someone to come tow their car?" they asked. "No, her friend is coming to bring her some gas" you said continuing the lie.

"Oh well why'd you get out the car" the driver curiously asked. "Her friend is going to take a while to get there and I need to get to the airport like right now. I tried calling an uber but my phone died" you said. It was true you needed to get to the airport, but you didn't have your phone on you. It fell out your pocket when you jumped out the window.

"Alright well I can take you if you'd like" the driver offered. You climbed into the truck and put your seatbelt on. "You sure it's not too much trouble" you asked.

"No not at all. I'm heading that way anyway to see some family members of mine" they responded. "Oh so you don't live around here" you questioned. "Oh nooo, I don't live anywhere near here" they said shaking their head.

'Great' you thought. If they don't live around here they won't recognize you. However your face has been all over the news lately. Then again who watches the news?

After a not so long ride to the airport you gave the driver your thanks and got on the plane. After settling down you fell asleep feeling fatigued from the events that transpired.

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