Scientific Shit

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*disclaimer: I don't pay attention in science. I have no idea if what I'm saying here is true. Please correct me*

*Skip to bottom of page for summary of chapter. this chapter at be confusing, so I wrote a summary. You can skip this if you want and just read that*

"So, there are purple blood cells???" Wanda asked, confused. Tony, Nat, and Lizzi had called to the rest of the team for help. "This isn't what I learned in middle school." Sam said, sounding lost. "You lost me at the beginning." Steve said. 

"When you think about it up front, it's hella confusing. But think of it this way, purple blood cells. They're fighting the other blood cells. Two types of cells fighting, reactions. Aka glowy-ness." 

"Scientific shit." Sam frowned, still very confused. "Language!" Cap coughed. "Okay boomer." Lizzi retorted. Sam, Wanda, Nat, and Tony laughed. Cap ignored them. "Okay, I think I understand now." "It makes more sense now, I guess????" Wanda said.

"How about an experiment! Independent variables and dependent variables and other assorted science shit." Sam contributed. "What-?" Nat asked. "That's all I remember from middle school science class!" Nat snorted and rolled her eyes.

"I've got a possible solution." Vision jumped into the conversation. "Which is...?" Tony asked. "Take a blood sample, extract the purple blood cells, extract the other blood cells, have them fight in a lab, and set up a shield." Vision said. 

"Totally not confusing." Sam rolled his eyes. 

I really should start paying attention in science.

Xoxo Liv 

SUMMARY: Vision found a solution to stop Lizzi from glowing. 

Lizzi (DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang