An apology!?

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After breakfast, Tony once again cornered Lizzi. "Want another black eye?" Lizzi sassed. "No, I just want to say something." Tony aaid. "So say it. I don't have all day to listen to stuck up assholes." Lizzi shot back. 

"I want to say I'm sorry. I have been rude and annoy-"

"Save it, Stark, you don't mean it. Get away from me." Lizzi stalked out of the room. Looking crestfallen, Tony walked out as well. Natasha waited outside the room. "So it didn't go well?" Nat asked. "I just wish she'd shut her damn mouth long enough to listen to me." Toby sighed. "You two are both so stubborn and so smart-mouthed." Nat had no sympathy.

Upstairs, Lizzi was venting to Wanda. "-and he's such a idiot, he's done awful things, and no one cares! I'm the only one acknowledging this!" "You expect to see a bad side, so it's all you see. However, others expect to see a good side, therefore it's what they see." Wanda tried to reason. Off Lizzi's incredulous look, she quickly said "I'm not saying he's a good person. I'm saying he's not a horrible person. You remind me a lot of him, except you're easier to talk to. And more badass." Lizzi grinned and said "thanks." 

My bad, shits going down next chapter. I'm so excited.

Xoxo Liv

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