Maybe we should have watched a movie

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Natasha sprung right into action, whipping out two guns and shooting. Wanda snuck to the left to try and mind warp some of the soldiers. Lizzi went with the flow and started to raise the soldiers into the air for Nat to shoot. Several fell due to Wanda giving then extensive trauma to the point where they would never be the same again. Finally, there lay a pile of bodies on the mall roof

Then, Tony in his suit, Rhodes in his suit, Vision, and Sam in his suit all landed on the mall roof. "You boys were late to the party." Nat said, wiping sweat off her forehead. "I would roll my eyes, but if I do, they might gets stuck due to Wiggly Wooes over here." He coughed, but his cough sounded a lot like "she blacked my eye" Wanda frowned and asked "Why did you come? Did you think we could not handle this?" "Something like that." Sam answered. Seeing as there was nothing they could do, Vis, Tony, Rhodes, and Sam flew back to the compound. Wanda, Lizzi, and Nat pulled out their boss bitch walks, ignoring all the reporters and shoppers taking videos and pictures. 

As the three climbed into the car, Nat reminded Wanda and Lizzi of something. "You know, I did suggest staying at the compound and watching a movie." Lizzi and Wanda just rolled their eyes.

Hey my beautiful besties.  Earlier I burnt myself TwT. I'm now mad at myself. Oh well. I might write another filler chap in a few hours. Idk yet

Xoxo Liv

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