Plan B

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Still glowing, Lizzi said dryly to Nat and Tony, "So, we fucked up plans A and B. Plan C??"

"No need! We got this thing out, all good." Tony smiled weakly. "Idiot. She's still glowing. Yes, we got it out, but she's glowing. That's a whole new problem." Nat rolled her eyes. "But we don't need plan C. We need plan A. For this 'now-Lizzi-is-a-glow-stick' problem." Tony retorted. He also mimicked Nat's eye roll.

"Shut up. I hate the nickname and Nat hates your mimicking." Lizzi snapped. Tony and Nat began to chuckle. "What now?" Lizzi asked accusingly. "Sometimes I forget you're fifteen. That was the youngest thing I've heard you say." Nat smiled.

"Anyway, we were speaking of plan A?" Tony cut in. "Plan C." Nat argued. "Plan B. Meet in the middle." Lizzi argued back.

"Fine. Plan B is take a blood sample of yours and compare it too an older sample." Tony said, getting serious. "I guess...." Nat agreed. 

 A few minutes later, Lizzi's blood was being examined by Lizzi, Tony, Nat, Halliday, and F.R.I.D.A.Y. (a/n if you pay attention in science, like I don't, and you see something scientifically incorrect, let me know.)  "There are new blood cells rushing around." Nat observed. "They're trying to keep me glowing." Lizzi concluded, looking at the microscope from a new angle."

"But why?" Tony and Nat asked sharply.

Hey. I'm so tied up with school 😭😭 save meeeeee

Xoxo Liv

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