Files, files, and more files

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"Round two hundred and whatever!" Nat said brightly, carrying a large stack of boxes  Filled with files. About Lizzi's parents. And enhanced individuals. "Ughhhhhh" Lizzi groaned. "You all look like train wrecks." Clint snickered. He was referring to Nat, Steve, Lizzi, and Tony. 

They had just pulled an all nighter trying to find records on Lena. Coffee and twizzlers were the only things in their stomachs. "Hey, I got something!" Nat explained. The other three rolled their desk chairs over to Nat's desk. Clint slouched of the room. 

"False alarm, sorry guys." Nat apologized. Lizzi blew a raspberry and then stuffed a twizzler in her mouth." "Hey, Lizzi, how did you get your powers?" Steve asked. "Bonf wiff fem, but fey hure enfanced by my parwents." Lizzi said through a mouthful of twizzler. 

"Born with them, but they were enhanced by my parents." Lizzi said after she chewed and swallowed. "Enhanced how.

?" Tony asked. "Shit, I'm so stupid." Lizzi stood up and started picking at a scar on her wrist. "Do the numbers '216-' wait-" Steve consulted the file he was looking at. "'216987.' Does that mean anything to you....?" Steve asked. 

"It means my enhancement to me. It means my sanity to me. That is the string of numbers used to refer to me." Lizzi sighed.

Hey guys. School sucks. To be honest, I was kind of excited because it had been one and a half years, but now I'm not. School is the shittiest thing to exist. Ever.

Xoxo Liv

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