10,00 In Alola part 2

Começar do início

Kenko: *sigh* I really miss how dad was back then, all happy and filled with hope. Now he's like... like someone different. I hope they can change him back.

Zorro: they will sweetie, and he will go back to normal. And... I don't blame him after what happened 20 years ago. Ever since he came.

Kenko: yeah... I still have nightmares about that, and what he did to dad. I saw it, me and everyone saw it.

Zorro: but he survived.

Kenko: *sigh* yeah.

He drove off from this place and somewhere important. Meanwhile, the other were inside the sector, running towards the entrance.

Pheromosa: what is this place?

Pop: this place contain some DNA's of Pokemon and Hybridmon.

Tsareena: why does this place exist and why build it?

Pop: I don't know actually.

Once they made it inside they saw the same Magikarp who somehow escape and was fighting future Four Arms, who appears to be now older and has some armor on his shoulder and tattoos.

Once they made it inside they saw the same Magikarp who somehow escape and was fighting future Four Arms, who appears to be now older and has some armor on his shoulder and tattoos

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Pop: how did Magikarp escape?

Four Arms: I don't know! He somehow got out of the Prison Ball and used Splash to get here.

Magikarp: and you won't stop me from getting the DNA's for the boss!

Sylvia: why would he need DNA's?

Pop: so he can create monstrous minions to bring chaos all over the world!

Magikarp: and I'm in charge of doing that. By getting the DNA'S!

Pikachu: oh yeah? Not on our watch!

He used Tackle and tries to ram him, but Magikarp used Aqua Jet and it's a really strong one. So strong that he flew back and hit Four Arms. Four Arms got up and furious, he ties Pikachu's tail with a ground pipe.

Four Arms: stay out of my way!

He shouted at Pikachu's face and went back fighing Magikarp. In the background, the others are watching the fight.

Lycanroc: should we help him?

Pop: *sigh* no, he prefers to do this on his own.

Sylvia: wow, he totally became a b*tch in the future.

Pop: heh, I forgot how much of a b*tch you were, Sylvia.

Sylvia: what?

Pop: nothing!

Back to the fight, Four Arms was was having a bit if trouble with Magikarp using Water Gun and Aqua Jet at the same time. He quickly transform in an alien that color ligh-green with blue and some springs on him, the Omnitrix is green and located at his chest.

An Alien In AlolaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora