Settle In

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I don't know what to feel right now, it's like I'm physically here... but mentally I'm checked out. I know that I have to be strong that's my only option. I'll be 18 and a legal adult soon.

I'll save up enough money to get my mom one of them big time lawyers. The white one's that wear the $1,000 suits and eat sushi. I mean Kehlani is rich... maybe I can rob her. I look over at her as she drives us to her home.

No, I couldn't. She's been too good to me and normally people aren't like her. I run my fingers over the smooth buttercream leather interior of her matte black Escalade.

I want to be like her, she looks so young to have so much money. Maybe her parents were rich. Maybe I can work for her and strip. I think I have a nice ass... I'd probably have to get a boob job. Most white Men like big titts...

I'd probably even be considered fat to them... I'm not but they like them Meth head boney white girls. Hmm... unless I find a black club... they like asses and thicker girls. I think my second option is best.

Maybe some rapper will come see me and be like damn... I gotta have her... then I'll get his money and leave. Get my mom outta prison and stack up. We would be straight.

I don't even know....

"Hey Yasmin." Keh's voice breaks me from my trance.

"Yea?" I look over at her

How did she get so fine... I don't even like girls... I'm strictly dickly...

"Are you hungry?"

"I don't got no money." My stomach growls... embarrassing me

"That wasn't my question... but your stomach answered." She pulls up this 24 hour Sonics. We gotta be on the rich side... everything closes earlier in the hood... to prevent robberies and looting.

"Yea... I guess." I lean my head against the window.

"What do want to eat? and don't be acting shy... get whatever you want."

"I ain't never ate here... this is for rich people." I respond, rolling my eyes.

"Sonics isn't for rich people... stop being difficult." She rubs my shoulder.

I shudder from her touch, even though it's comforting... maybe I should stop with the attitude... it's hard... when I'm sad, it comes out as anger...

"I like cheeseburgers." I face her looking at our menu.

"The bacon double cheeseburgers are fire." She adds.

"The sounds so good." My mouth waters.

"Okay, what about cheese totts and a milkshake?" She looks at me.

"Kehlani... this is gonna be so expensive... you don't gotta spend your money on me." I exhale.

"What kind of milkshake do you want?... they have cookie dough, strawberry, brownie batter..."

She ignores what I said again... nobody is this nice just because...

"If you tryna fuck me... I'm sorry, I'm not gay... that's the only reason you're being this nice right?" I question

she chuckles "firstly sweetie, you're a child... and secondly you're vi's daughter... I'm not just gonna leave you in the what shake do you want?" She taps the steering wheel, eyeing me.

"Oh... um cookie dough." I answer. "And I'm not a child you know... I could look out for myself." I murmur.

She doesn't respond... I watch her as she orders my food. Her voice is so feminine but her demeanor is masculine. This bitch must be confused, I roll my eyes. She's too pretty to be fruity.

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