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From afar she saw everything, what soyeon did, everything.

Oh so you have a friend now..

You dont deserve friends

"Soyeon you pathetic idiot"the class pointed at her which made her lower her head meanwhile jake was at the back of her and told her to not worry since he is there

"It's fine let them be" he whispered

They got onto their seats, waiting for the first period which is english. Time went by and the class got so bored, some were sleeping, some were already eating, some are probably behind the class making a buffet.

Soyeon took jakes sticky note and started drawing on it. Jake wanted to get his sticky note but realized its gone, i"where is it?" He scratched his head searching in his bag, looking everywhere he saw it was on the hands of the girl beside him.

"What are you doing?" He peeked trough her small hands as she was drawing something.

"Here" she gave it back

"A butterfly" he looked at her eyes in confusion which she then replied with a cute smile "butterflies are a sign of freedom and hope which i pray i will get it i believe"

"Starting today I'll write it on your sticky note every single day" she gestured her hands promising meanwhile jake could just nod in confusion

"Oooo my ribbon is on your totebag" she pointed it out, jake took his totebag towards her nose "smell it"  he saw admiring the smell of the perfume which enlightened his heart with joy

"It smells soft i love it"  she took the bag and  hugged it that had the ribbon on its handle "what if you lose it jake?" she darted the eyes towards the male who sat beside her

"If i lose the ribbon"

"Means i lose you too"

"The day the ribbon disappears is the day you leave this cruel world"

"I cherish the ribbon so much" hearing jake saying those words, she threatened to untie the ribbon knot causing him to slap his hands on her "soyeon" he pouted annoyingly towards her which made her laugh.

"You know what?" She went trough her pocket and took something out of it, "give me your hand" soyeon placed something on his palm
"Its a hair tie" jake got puzzled once more as she chuckled by his foolishness "keep it, its yours now" as he heard her he smiled widely slamming the tables that caught the teachers attention.

Atleast she has hope that in her heart

Even she knows

She won't make it

"okay class i want you to form groups of 6" the students ran over to jakes seat, some even pushed soyeon away. But jake manage to get hold of her hands "soyeons in or im out" all of them sulked in annoyance but agreed to it anyway

"So i want you guys to do a project-" she continued meanwhile everyone jot down notes on their notebook. The other four of the group stared at soyeon and laughed while whispering something, jake was unbothered so as soyeon.

They were assigned to each areas of the school and research about the surroundings, their group were ordered to go to the school garden. Honestly, it's a place where it's almost like a forest no one has went there since someone committed suicide.

"Soyeon" a girl from her group slammed her table which made her flinch "you see you annoy me alot, you're getting in my way you idiotic fool don't you understand?" She used a blade and lift her chin up

purple butterflies| s.jy |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant