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"Think about it", Taehyun said as he left the balcony closing the sliding door behind him
Chaeryeong stared into the horizon as she touched her lips reminiscing the feeling she had just experienced a few minutes ago. "Chaeryeong, get yourself together", she scolded herself
She sat back on her chair and let her mind wander.


"Mummy! Look at what me and unnie found in the park", little Chaeryeong had exclaimed showing her mum a flower
"That's really pretty, is it for mummy?", her mum replied
Chaeryeong nodded and placed the flower behind her mum's ear. Her sister walked in behind her and gave her mother a serious look. Her mother got the signal and put Chaeryeong down and said, "Go and wash your hands and you can eat a muffin at the kitchen counter okay?"

Chaeryeong gave her mum a big grin and ran off. "What happened?", her mother questioned
"There was someone watching us, dad needs to get home soon before the mafias realise what we're doing", Chaeyeon replied
"I thought we covered up our tracks", her mum stressed
"Dad told me last night one of them escaped. One of his men ran out of bullets and the last captive ran off", Chayeon sighed
"Pack up. Your father just sent me a text. Get your gun and knives too", the sisters' mother ordered Chaeyeon

"Mummy? What are guns and mafias?", Chaeryeong asked
Chaeyeon and her mum widened her eyes with Chaeyeon mentally cursing 'crap'. Her mum tried to come up with an excuse but Chaeyeon placed an arm on her shoulder, "She's 8, I think it's time"
Her mum took in a deep breathe and told Chaeyeon, "Pack up your stuff along with your sister's, only essentials"


"So we're good guys but not really, but we're fighting bad guys?", Chaeryeong asked after her mum revealed their family's secret
"Sort of like that sweetie", Mrs.Lee brushed her fingers through Chaeryeong's hair
"But this is dangerous right? How come you and daddy are married and have me and unnie?", Chaeryeong wondered

Mrs.Lee chuckled, "Well we're humans too, we have rights as well. Me and your dad are lucky that our agency let us do as we like with our love life. You're a wise young soul aren't you?"
"Of course I am! So when I'm older, I get to be like you and daddy? And I can do as I like with my love life like you two?"
"Exactly like mummy and daddy", Mrs.Lee laughed amazed at her youngest daughter's quick understanding

Chaeyeon walked into the living room again with her gun holster strapped onto her thigh and a belt full of sharp metals. "What's that unnie?", Chaeryeong questioned
"It's something only you can have and use when you're older okay?", Chaeyeon told her younger sister

Chaeryeong nodded and just then their front door flew open. "Daddy!", Chaeryeong jumped up to get to her dad
Her dad who was only one foot into the doorway, immediately widened his eyes and shook his head. Chaeyeon pulled her sister back and hid her behind her back as both her and her mother spied the rim of a gun pressed against the back of the sisters' dad's head.

Chaeyeon gripped her gun handle while her mum reached into her pockets. She passed Chaeyeon the car keys and held a knife in the other hand. Chaeyeon pulled a ball out of her pockets and threw it onto the ground. The house filled with smoke causing the sound of gunshots. Chaeyeon picked up Chaeryeong and ran towards the car. She threw Chaeryeong into the back seat and started the engine. She sat in the passenger seat and held her gun tightly. She saw her mum running into the garage while supporting her dad with her shoulders. Chaeyeon opened the door for her mum to put her dad in the back seat, next to Chaeryeong. Her mum jumped into the front seat and stepped on the gas.

Chaeryeong had just stared at her dad in confusion.
"He'll live right mum?", Chaeyeon asked her mum
"Don't worry, he's fine. But we need to get to the base, signal the team", her mum replied

Chaeyeon nodded and opened the car compartment in front of her and pulled out a walkie talkie. She turned the knob on it and spoke, "The C Lee family is incoming to the base. Confirmation code, 62408. The leader has been shot in the abdomen but most likely will live. Prep the medics"
"Affirmative", a man said on the other side and the static crackled

Her mum held her hand to the back seat and said, "I love you"
Chaeryeong's dad reached out and gripped it, "I love you too, don't worry I'll make it"

Chaeryeong's dad had lived, thankfully but that experience for Chaeryeong had changed her completely.


Chaeryeong chuckled looking back at her memories, "Mama said it was okay. So I'll do exactly as she said"
(Okay but, did anyone get the tiktok reference?)


"WAKE UP EVERYONE", Beomgyu had screamed
The sounds of doors opening and complains of still being tired could be heard along the second floor. Chaeryeong chuckled and entered the house through the balcony door again. She headed downstairs to find Beomgyu setting up something at the tv, "What are you doing?"
"I found this in Soobin hyung's bag. No idea what it is", Beomgyu replied

Chaeryeong followed the smell of pancakes to the kitchen and found Taehyun standing over the stove. She creeped up on him and whispered, "You know my answer might just be yes"
Taehyun raised an eyebrow and replied as he poured the pile of pancakes onto a plate, "Might just be? I need a definite answer honey"
"Getting brave are you? Pet names already?", Chaeryeong remarked as she leaned her back onto the counter

"So?", Taehyun asked
"Yes", Chaeryeong smiled
"That's the answer I wanted to hear", Taehyun grinned
He moved towards her and trapped her between his arms and counter. Chaeryeong's hands found her partner's face and pulled his chin towards her. Taehyun leaned forward and pressed his lips against Chaeryeong's. The girl grabbed the back of the boy's head, deepening the kiss. Taehyun smirked and broke the kiss for a bit, "Hungry are we now?"
Chaeryeong rolled her eyes, "Shut up"
Taehyun grinned and moved his lips against Chaeryeong's once again

"Yo hyung, are you done? HOLY FUCK", Huening Kai screamed
"What happened?", Yeonjun had ran towards the kitchen and found the scene
"UNHOLY CHILDREN", he shouted


"You two have some explaining to do", Yeji deadpanned as the 10 of them gathered in the living room
The new couple held confident postures. Lia snickered at the back of Yeji as she watched Chaeryeong's bored expression.
"You knew about this didn't you?", Ryujin turned on her
"Woah there, this is news to me too. But I had my suspicicons", Lia grinned
Soobin laughed at her statement, "Yeah no shit"

"The answer is quite obvious, do you really need an explanation?", Taehyun asked
"But how? when? why? where?", Yuna interjected Yeji who was about to open her mouth again
"Earlier today at the balcony", Chaeryeong gave a short answer
"Well fuck", Ryujin blew her bangs out of her face
"No couple-y shit around us got it?", Yeonjun ordered
"Sure I guess", Taehyun answered as he and Chaeryeong exchanged glances


"BITCH OMFG. Tell me everything", Lia squealed when the two girls sat in their bedroom
Chaeryeong relayed the whole story to her and Lia trashed around in her own bed, "Lowkey kind of jealous. You two make a cute couple"
"If you're jealous just get with Soobin then", Chaeryeong shrugged
Lia picked up her pillow and started hitting the younger girl

The two fell silent when they heard a loud noise from downstairs. The power shut off and they heard a faint shout. Their phones lit up with texts that said, "They found us"
Chaeryeong and Lia quickly pulled on their vests and masks. They grabbed whatever weapons they had nearby, and slowly advanced to the door. "I hate this timing, but get into your fight mode got it?", Lia whispered to the younger
"Let's go", Chaeryeong nodded at her unnie

"SOOBIN!", a male voice shouted
Lia's heart fell once she heard those words. "FUCK! LIA", Chaeryeong screamed from beside her


"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT", the last remaining male screamed
"Yeonjun getting angry isn't going to solve anything", Yeji said
"Easy for you to say! You sound like you have been in this situation before", Yeonjun retorted
"No I haven't actually, you don't think I'm worried too? Those girls are my sisters, we grew up together", Yeji replied as she kicked a loose brick creating a small cloud of dust

"So...what are we going to do now?", Yeonjun asked as he looked around at the floor full of dead men
"Unless you have a hidden connection here, we've got nothing to do", Yeji sighed
"As a matter of fact I do", Yeonjun smirked

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