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Yuna looked at Taehyun's screen and said, "They have all the files for the Gala linked to their website. Not very smart but we can definitely hack it and fix the arrangements without them noticing"
Meanwhile, Yuna had clicked into the Personnel Directory of the LockNet Security website, "Where where, ahah! Visual matrix design, department head. He has got to have everything on his computer"

She logged into twitter and searched up the name 'Steve Relish'. She laughed looking at his tweets and likes, "Taehyun look at this, he's a cat dad"
Taehyun burst out laughing, "But that'll be helpful for us. Go and quickly make a random poster or something. Then link the trap to immediately access his webcam"
Yuna nodded and started making a poster about 'a cat who had survived, a miracle!'

After about 20 minutes, Yuna had put a link into the poster that would hack into Steve's webcam making her able to access the Lonshine Museum's security cameras. She tagged Steve's account and waited until she received the notification that Steve had clicked onto the poster.

While waiting, Taehyun had thought of an idea, "We'll need 3 people working as staff right? And two people as celebrities? The reporters wouldn't care about people they don't recognise. So fingers crossed that there won't be any pictures of me and Chaeryeong going around. Also, I'm still not fully agreed to going to the Gala as a fake celeb"
Yuna shook her head, "I can handle the cameras myself plus it's not like anyone else can go. The rest are going as staff and Yeji and Yeonjun have practice that day. And I'll be looking through the internet, if I see any pictures of you and Chaeryeong I'll take them down"

Taehyun rolled his eyes and clicked onto the list of celebrities attending, "Oh my god, Rihanna's going to be at the Gala"
Yuna hit his head, "Focus you idiot"
Taehyun stuck his tongue out at her and scrolled down the list and smirked, "Three empty slots, let's put a celeb and put our names on here. Let me get Chaeryeong , we need fake names"

Taehyun walked to the girls' room and knocked, "Chaeryeong , we need to think of fake names to put on the register"
Chaeryeong opened the door and nodded, "Ok, let's go!"
The two went back to the spare room where the hackers had their laptops up. Chaeryeong sat between the two of them and said, "A common name? Maybe Anne Rose?"

"Bitch you sound old", Yuna commented
"Well it's definitely a British name so shut up", Chaeryeong shot back
"Then Oliver Banks for me?", Taehyun confirmed while he typed in their fake names
Chaeryeong nodded, "Sounds ancient"
"Let's put Bebe Rexha as the extra celeb?", Taehyun asked
Yuna sat up straight as a new window popped up on her screen, "Finally that old man clicked"

She started remotely tracking the IP address and looked for the said account. She hacked into the webcam and grinned in victory.
"What are you going to do with that?", Chaeryeong ng asked
"Their computers unlock with their face ID. I'll be able to turn on the computer and control it from my laptop when the office is closed for the night", Yuna smirked
"Oh fuck, just a second. Soobin!", Yuna shouted

Soobin appeared at the door, "What do you need?"
"How are we going to change the angle of the cameras? There aren't any schedules to make any adjustments. It'll trigger the alarm if we do it right now", Yuna worried
"So we need to make them make a few arrangments on purpose. How are we going to do that though?", Soobin questioned
Huening Kai stuck his head into the door frame, "Leave that to me. Also, who's good at pick-pocketing?"
"Idiot, you watched me steal the access card from AINSOFT's director or whatever. You were watching the cameras with Yuna at the time", Chaeryoung said

"Oh yeah right. So here's the idea, we'll need to make a change to one of the paintings in the Lonshine Museum. If the security guards notice that, they will report it to the museum's directors. That would lead them to having a meeting. Chaeryeong ng that's where you come into play. Bump into one of the janitor's leaving the building and steal their card. Pass it to me and walk back to the safe house. We have the listening gadget don't we?", Huening asked

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