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Soobin checked his earpiece, "Test"
Yeonjun replied, "Okay we're all good. Now what?"
Taehyun clicked on a link that showed the floor plan of the HYBE building and sighed, "This is going to be one hell of a mission"
Soobin nodded, "Okay here's what we have to do. Taehyun will turn off the power for a maximum of 5 minutes. But that will trigger the alarm for all the special units to come out. So when we enter the building, be careful. Blend in and don't make a mess of things. Huening you'll hold the usb stick, Beomgyu stick with him and if nesscary you'll need to distract. Yeonjun will stand guard in front of the entrances, I'll watch from far away. Taehyun, keep an active eyes on the cameras. Got it?"
Everyone nodded and they all put their hands together, "ONE DREAM! Let's get their asses"

The four of them walked across the street and lingered around the different entrances. Beomgyu spoke, "Ready. Taehyun, shut the power off now"
Taehyun typed into his keyboard and said, "Cutting off the electricity in 3,2,1"

The building in front of them turned pitch black, they took the advantage and hurried into the building. They dodged people looking for flashlights and any sensors. Soobin went to the fire escape staircase and looked up at the amount of stairs. He sighed, "Oh well"
He ran up the flights of stairs until he was at the top. He found a door with a keypad next to it, he asked Taehyun, "I need the code for the topmost keypad leading to the helipad"

Taehyun nodded and connected a remote password software to it. After a minute or so of Soobin hopping on one leg to another, Taehyun exclaimed, "Got it! 276529, that should be it"
Soobin punched in the numbers and a light turned green, he pulled open the door, "Thanks"
He stepped into the open air and saw some men loaded. He sighed and crawled behind all the air vents until he was behind them all. He quietly jumped from roof to roof until he was 2 buildings away from HYBE, he asked, "Are the three of you in position?"

Yeonjun struggled, "Not exactly, we're in a predicament. Shit, they called back up. Soobin can you take them down?"
Taehyun intercepted, "But we're not supposed to make a mess"
Huening answered, "We already are, might as well. Come on hyung, can you spot them?"
Soobin answered to sharp gun shot sounds, "Almost there, they're moving fast, Taehyun change the code for the keypad"

Taehyun rolled his eyes and huffed, "You could've asked me to do that earlier"
Soobin replied, "Just hurry, stop complaining"

Beomgyu exclaimed, "Ow!"
Blood dripped out of the scratch on his arm. He looked up sharply at the offender and whipped out his pistol
He shot the man multiple times and knocked his body down. He spat on his face "Serves you right"
He heard a huge thud behind him and saw Huening stepping on top a body. He turned to Beomgyu, "Be more careful, Yeonjun hyung you good?"

Yeonjun nodded and the three of them waited for Taehyun to start. Taehyun exclaimed, "Okay, the keypad is locked. Now for the three of you, you know what to do, get to the special access elevator. Only two minutes tops, sneak in, hack into the computer. Copy the biodata base and get out. Huening, I taught you what to do. Now, there might be a few hitches, their security system is complex. Get ready to run anytime, Soobin hyung, stay on watch out. Okay, opening up the special access elevator"

Beomgyu, Huening and Yeonjun sprinted towards it and managed to slide in as the doors closed. Beomgyu muttered, "Should have given us a warning first"
Yeonjun looked up and checked with Taehyun, "You turned off all the CCTVs right?"
Taehyun clicked his mouse to recheck and confirmed, "Yes I did, you're almost at the 23rd floor"

The three of them got ready, Beomgyu loaded his gun, Huening wiped the blood off his machetes on his sleeves and Yeonjun gripped his daggers. The elevator 'dinged' and the doors were opening slowly, Taehyun suddenly shouted, "Hide! A group of security members are heading your way in a few seconds."

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