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Yeji tumbled to the ground and winced, "Ow, my ankle"
Jessi clapped her hands, "Come on, up. We don't have all day"
Yeji gritted her teeth and stood back up. She breathed in sharply as she put weight on her throbbing ankle.
Jessi counted in, "Three, two one"
Yeonjun and Yeji started dancing to Jessi's foot tapping to the beat. Jessi eyed the both of them closely and got annoyed. She stomped on the floor and shouted, "Yeji, you're offbeat. Keep up"

Yeonjun added, "I think her ankle hurts, could we please call it a day?"
Jessi sighed and checked the clock. She opened the mini fridge at the side of the practice room. She picked up a bag of ice and rummaged through the cabinet below it. She pulled out a bandage and tossed it along with the bag of ice to Yeji. She said, "See you both back here 7am sharp. Yeji, make sure you elevate it, you need to be able to dance"

Yeji and Yeonjun nodded as they bowed. Jessi left the practice room and shut the door. Yeji sighed and slowly sat down, Yeonjun took the ice pack from her hands. He asked, "Where does hurt?"
Yeji pointed to spot on her ankle and Yeonjun applied the ice pack to it. Yeji unrolled the bandage and attempted to wrap it around her foot. The bandage hung around her ankle loosely. Yeonjun picked it up and wrapped it tightly around the spot of pain. Yeji smiled gratefully, "Thanks Yeonjun"

The boy shook his head and picked up his and Yeji's stuff, "Can you walk by yourself?"
Yeji slowly stood up and immediately stumbled to her right. Yeonjun caught her and Yeji shook her head, she asked, "Do you mind?"
Yeonjun shook his head and wrapped one of her arms around his shoulder and let Yeji lean on him.

20 minutes later Yeji unlocked the door of her hotel room that she shared with the girls. Yeonjun hobbled in next to her and helped Yeji sit on the bed. The bathroom door opened and Chaeryeong appeared drying her hair, she spotted Yeji's bandaged ankle. She exclaimed, "What in fuckery happened to you?"
Yeonjun said, "She hurt her ankle, she needs to keep it up. I'll leave now, bye"
Chaeryeong thanked him and closed the door behind him.

Yeji sighed and leaned her back against the headboard. Chaeryeong carried the icepack that Yeonjun handed her to Yeji. She placed it on the elder's ankle. She asked, "Did you trip and hurt it?"
Yeji nodded and was about to add on when the connecting door swung open. Lia ran in with Ryujin and Yuna. She quickly sat on the bed next to Yeji, "Guys, boss-"
Ryujin cut her off, "What the fuck happened to your ankle?"
Yuna gasped noticing, "Are you okay?"

Yeji waved her hand dismissively, "It'll be fine by tomorrow, Lia what were you going to say?"
Lia continued, "Boss sent us an email, let's read it"

Itzy, you have been assigned a new mission by your boss. Your task is tomorrow, you will need to disguise yourselves among the staff of AINSOFT corporation. AINSOFT is a technology and game developing company. Now, this mission will take place in daylight. So get in and out as quickly and as quietly as possible. Hide weapons and everything you need in your pockets. Our latest intelligence says that AINSOFT is currently or has completed creating a powerful hacking machine. It is said they have been bribed by Dance to Kill. The mission is simple, get in, get the machine and get out undetected. Once you have retrieved the object, seperate yourselves and immediately regroup at the hotel. Send the machine express via the secret airline and erase all footage. Prepare yourselves. Good luck agents.

Yuna got up after Lia read the email aloud and said, "Well let's get prepared"
Yeji coughed, "We have a problem here guys" she pointed to her ankle
Chaeryeong slapped her forehead, "That was really bad timing to assign a new mission"
Ryujin sighed, "Let's prepare first and hope that tomorrow your ankle will get better. Prepare slowly"

Everyone stood up and went over to their respective suitcases. They searched for casual clothes that could help them blend in. In Yuna's, Ryujin's and Lia's room the doorbell rang. Ryujin stepped through the mess and looked through the peephole. A man wearing a cap and holding a box in his hands was waiting. Ryujin's eyes squinted and asked in a deeper voice, "Who is it?"s
The supposed delivery man said, "Your pizza's here"
Ryujin replied, "We didn't order any pizza though"
The man continued, "You ordered pineapple topped with parsley with a side of garlic bread"
Ryujin's eyes opened wide and immediately opened the door. The man passed her the box and tipped his cap and left.
Yuna called from the back of the room, "You ordered pizza?"
She ran up to Ryujin and poked her nose into the box.

Ryujin swatted her face away, "It's not pizza dumbass"
Yuna pouted as her stomach grumbled, "I'm hungry though"
Ryujin opened the box and she lifted up 5 ID tags. She inspected them and passed them out to her teammates. Chaeryeong turned them over in her hand and said, "I guess these are access cards to be able to enter the building" she tossed Yeji's to her.

They continued picking out their outfits and decided as to where they would hide their weapons. Yuna turned on her laptop and opened up the maps app. She typed in the address to AINSOFT and accessed all the cameras surrounding the building. She tagged multiple cameras facing the entrances. She called to the sniper, "Chaeryeong, there are 6 different entrances. Should we separate or go in pairs?"
Chaeryeong moved the laptop screen to face her and said, "I'll go in with Yeji unnie and rest of you go in individually. Can you start hacking into the cameras in the building?"
Yuna nodded her head, "Sure thing"
She started on the ones in the lobby, she swiftly moved from camera to camera. As the maknae was presetting the cameras, the doorbell rang again.

This time Lia sighed and looked through the peephole. She was surprised to see Huening Kai waiting. She opened the door and smiled, "What brings you here?"
Huening lifted up a plastic bag and said, "The boys and I bought you all fried chicken. We just finished our servings"
Yuna's head lifted up from her laptop screen and asked, "Did someone say chicken?"
She made her way to the front door and took the bag from Huening, "Thanks"

Huening Kai looked over their shoulders and questioned, "What's with the mess?"
The girls turned around and Yuna slightly pushed the door a bit closer. Lia said, "Yeji lost something and made sure we didn't steal it"
Lia nodded, "Anyway thanks for the chicken, good night"
She shut the door and let out a sigh of relief, "That was close"
Yeji and Chaeryeong stumbled into the other room, "We smell fried chicken, where is it?"

Meanwhile, outside, Huening Kai scratched his head and shrugged. He walked back to the elevator and went up two floors back to his room. He swiped the keycard and stepped into the room and Taehyun looked up, "Did you give the food to the girls?"
Huening replied, "Yup, they were definitely hungry although they were acting a bit strange"

Taehyun turned around on the swivel chair, "What do you mean?"
Yeonjun poked his head around the connecting door frame and sat down on one of the beds, "Continue"
Huening Kai started, "Well their room looked like a mess and I could see all their weapons out in the open. Plus I asked them what was wrong with their room, Yuna replied saying that Yeji lost something and was looking for it. But when Lia closed the door I saw Yuna's laptop screen and a map was pulled up with a few security camera live footage. Along with a website called AINSOFT I think"

Taehyun turned to his laptop screen and typed up AINSOFT, "Seems like it's a technology and game developing company"
Yeonjun called, "Soobin, come here"
Soobin and Beomgyu walked in and sat around the laptop. Beomgyu stared at the screen, "AINSOFT? What's up?"
Huening explained again and Soobin hummed thoughtfully, "What are they up to?"

"Boys gear up"

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