"Why do you say that?" You asked anyway.

"Something just happened-! I, well," he looked away. "I cant say, but basically I'm gonna have to travel back to the present."

"Won't I die or something?"

"No! Well, hopefully not! Nao wants me to try something that will keep you from dying or getting horribly injured when I travel. He talked to me about it last time I was in the present. I didn't bring it up to you because he said it was risky, but it should work!"

"Really?!" You perked up at that.


"Thats great, Takemichi! So how do we do it?" You grinned at him.

"Alright, so every time I travel to the past, my present body goes into this coma like stage. Then, after a couple of minutes of being in that stage, my heart stops beating and the body is like an empty socket. It doesn't decompose or anything though."


"Yours is the same! It's been months and it's completely fine so don't 'gross' me!"

"What?! Where is it?"

"Nao is keeping it."


"ANYWAYS!" He tried to get back on track. "He figured that if we put you into that socket stage here, you won't get injured."

You blinked at him.

"So basically you're gonna kill me?"

His eyes widened. "No! I would never! Nao gave me the address of this one guy who sells pills that can put you into that almost dead- but not quite dead state for about a week.

"Why the fuck does Nao know someone like that?"

"He's a police officer, he has his sources I guess." He fidgeted. "Look, I'm just as worried about it as you are. But I trust Nao, and I really don't want you to get hurt again."

"How does he even know this will work?"


You sighed.

"I guess it's worth a shot."

"Yes! Thank god!" Takemichi cheered. "I need to get to the present as soon as possible, so can we go get the pills now? I have the address on my phone."

"I don't know why you're in such a hurry, but sure." You hopped out of bed, wincing only the slightest bit at your wound.

Two nurses ran in, almost as if they had been watching, waiting for you to try and get up.

"You do not have permission to leave yet, are you trying to reopen your wound?" One scolded you.

"Huh? How long until I can leave?"

"Based off of your hospital record, I would say a good month! You come in looking as though your dying, leave, and then come back a week later in the same situation? I don't think so." She pushed you back into the bed.

"Alright alright! I'll stay right here, cool your tits."

She tched, leaving the room with one eye watching you.

Takemichi sighed. "It's fine, I can go get the pills myself. I don't know what we're gonna do once you take them, if we leave you here they'll assume you've died."

"No, I have a better idea."


Multiple times now you've joked about jumping out the hospital window, but now...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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