"Well you should tell your boyfriend to up his game," Xiao Zhan remarked back it wasn't completely weird where Xiao Zhan and Wooseok started to take each other friendly dates back in the days when they were still in school it increased over the years when they graduated from medical school and finished their residency. It was also a plus when their husbands weren't around most time of the year.

"I don't sit on my best friend's lap" Jiang Cheng shrugged to his defense he had seen a fair share amount of time where he walked into Wooseok being in Xiao Zhan's lap

"well that sounds like a personal problem" Xiao Zhan shrugged making Jiang Cheng turn red with anger. "In my defense, guys me and Wooseok grew together and that's how we have been acting since the days of our childhood and old habits die hard" The real culprit was their mothers for making them act like this around each other since they were 6 and 7 years old and Wooseok being the younger one he had attached himself to Xiao Zhan the first day they met and it was hard separating them when Xiao Zhan got used to it.

"What about his husband feel weird around you two if you both act like that around each other," A nurse asked him.

"I don't know" Xiao Zhan shrugs while looking over Wooseok who was talking to Seungyoun and his group of friends " an insecure man is the one who would act rabid against us but I have never seen him act rabid I mean I know my place and he knows his at the end of the day I was there before him and I am still going to be there after him"  He remembers the exact words he told Seungyoun the night where the couple had a huge fight about Seungyoun 'lady friends' who were apparently harassing Wooseok and Seungyoun was defending the 'lady friends' bashing Wooseok. Xiao Zhan can claim that one sentence he said that night had put Seungyoun to his place but that would be bragging.

"Woah, that is so powerful it's so hard to find friends who stick by you at the end of the day I am jealous Wooseok has a great friend like you," Wen Ning remarked it was hard to see if she was being sarcastic or not but Xiao Zhan decided to take it as a compliment.

To say the truth Xiao Zhan was also jealous of himself. He was jealous he had such a nice great friend no one was ever to replace Wooseok in his life again. To even say the truth without Wooseok and now also Sizhui he would be burying himself in his house refusing any form of work to do, locking him away from physical interactions, locking away his feelings, and throwing them deep in the sea. At the end of the day, Xiao Zhan was grateful for them, he was grateful that there were other people willing to occupy his mind when he was digging himself a trench. He was just happy that in this life he had someone to call soulmate.

"Mr Xiao aren't you being too rude not to greet you great brother-in-law" Seungyoun bit his tongue he nearly called Xiao Zhan Mrs Wang without him knowing. I guess it was still taking time for the idea his two friends were divorced and now they weren't together anymore. 

" Arent you too overbearing Mr Cho" this was their normal occurrence to them that is how they greeted each other. "I should have let Woosoek send you to the mortuary when I had the chance"

"Oh come on I haven't seen you in nearly two years and this is how you greet me" Seungyoun and Xiao Zhan were going to start bickering with each other in front of the server.

"How about we both be civil in front of the others don't embarrass me in front of these people" Wooseok came between them

"you should keep your husband on a leash or you will be the one helping me to hid a body" Xiao Zhan turned to face Wooseok.
"He should keep himself at a leash cause I might be the one who will be bagging his body" Wooseok smiled as he looked at Seungyoun. It was like he was trying to say 'I too will be willing to kill you before bagging your body'.

"Oh come on guys can you not be serious about this stuff it gives me the creeps I will not know the difference if you are joking or serious about it" Seungyoun looked at them dejected.

"Oh, honey you very much know we never joke about this"Wooseok left the scared Seungyoun at the food line. This was stupid he was the great First Seargeant Cho Seungyoun he was in the elite team in the military he has gone through hell and back he is never afraid of attacks or whatever he has gone through during his Career in Alpha but why is he scared of his Husband and annoyingly enough his greatest enemy of all time his Husband's best friend. In his defense, they are both crazy but crazier when they were together. 

But on the darker note what in the world is he doing here. He knew the medical team was coming but not his husband and the team. What was Xiao Zhan doing here Wooseok too? Why wasn't he informed about it who was in charge of this? Why were they putting his life on life support? He thought this was going to be a good vacation not him brought here to fight for his life. And where the fuck was Wang Yibo does he know about this. Cho Seungyoun could see his funeral congregation happening at the fallen heroes hall after all he was a hero, a hero of his time. 

"Good Evening Captain" the cadets were straightening their postures as Wang Yibo passed by them going for the team  Alpha table. He couldn't even see Xiao Zhan and the rest as he picked up his food as he proceeded for his table with the others. The moment Xiao Zhan set his eyes on Wang Yibo he had gone tense on his seat this really fated how in other ways would they meet thousands of miles away from their home country on a deserted island.

" Cap Major sent me to tell you that you are supposed to meet with the Medical team leader" A cadet approached Team Alpha's table. On that note Seungyoun tensed in his seat, what was the reaction going to be when you meet with your ex-husband again.

I was supposed to publish the three chapters on Monday but the note app is not letting me copy from it I don't know if its my phone or not. But I will work on trying to figure what's wrong it's not the first time this happened to me. I will still update before Thursday if that's the day you are going to school ☺️ afrozroza

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