"I'm afraid I do not have the time for this tonight," Pandora crossed her arms, "we both know you're going to let me off with a warning, can I go?"

"I'm afraid I've given too many warnings," he said with a spark of amusement in his eyes, "however, I may let it slide for one final time if you'd do me the pleasure and accompany me to Hogsmeade next weekend?"

"Mr. Lovegood!" Pandora scowled, "we have been over this time and time again. Do well to remember I am spoken for."

"Oh, come on Dora, what's the harm in one date?"


He deflated, "oh, very well, I apologize, Ms. Lestrange."

"Thank you," she nodded, "may I go now?"

"I didn't see anything," he winked, turning around, whistling as he walked in the opposite direction.

"What a loon," Pandora shook her head, running off to the dungeons.

She threw her belongings into her trunk, careful not to wake Lucrieta.

At precisely 3 o'clock, she was waiting in the common room.

At 3:15 she began to pace.

At 3:30 she poked her head into Regulus's dorm—he was not there.

At 4:00 she went down to the kitchens.

At 5:00 she went to bed.

The next day Regulus was nowhere to be found, and the day after that, and the day after that.

The fourth day, Lucrieta Rowle came barreling into her and Pandora's dorm room.

"What is it?" Pandora sat up upon seeing the brunette's face.

"It's Regulus..." she started, "he's in the Hospital Wing."

Pandora leapt to her feet and ran, knocking over a group of first years on her way out of the passageway.

"Miss Lestrange!" Madam Pomfrey yelled as she forced her way into the Hospital Wing, "Miss Lestrange! We cannot have visitors!"

Curtains were drawn around a bed in the far corner and Pandora ripped them open.

Regulus lied still, appearing dull and lifeless, his left forearm was wrapped up in a cast of bandages.

Pandora let out a shriek and fell to her knees, shaking with sobs.

"Miss Lestrange," Madam Pomfrey said sympathetically, pulling the girl up to sit in a chair, "let me get you a glass of water."

"What happened?" Pandora cried, grabbing hold of Regulus's cold hand.

Watching his chest rise and fall brought her a comfort she didn't believe possible.

"He was summoned home," Madam Pomfrey said grimly, "Mr. Black was caught out after curfew and his family wished to take his punishment into their own hands."

"No," Pandora moaned, "no, this wasn't supposed to happen."

"Miss Lestrange, I'm sorry, but I really can't have visitors in the Hospital Wing right now."

Pandora glared at the mediwitch, "I am his betrothed, you cannot deny me access."

"Very well," Madam Pomfrey sighed, "alert me immediately if he wakes."

Pandora nodded and watched her walk away.

It was a couple hours until Regulus's grey eyes fluttered open.

Almost immediately, he sat up in a panic, his eyes wide, grabbing frantically at the bandages on his forearm.

"No!" He gasped, he pulled it back to reveal the dark mark, black and out of place on his milky white skin, "No!"

"It's ok," Pandora said soothingly, covering the tattoo back up, "keep it covered, you don't want anyone to see."

He looked up at her with disdain in his features, "America...we're supposed to be in America," his voice cracked and tears leaked from his eyes.

"I know," she whispered, squeezing his hand, "I know."

"Genevieve Bulstrode caught me," Regulus said, "brought me to Dumbledore, he owled my parents."

Pandora froze.

"Dumbledore owled you parents for being out after curfew?"

Regulus nodded.


"I don't know," he shook his head, "it all happened so fast."

"I thought you left me," Pandora said.

Regulus stared at her, his jaw slacked, "Dora! I'd—I'd never! How could you ever think that!"

"You were nowhere to be found for four days, Reg!" She said, "what was I to assume, although, now I wish you had just left...then we wouldn't be in this situation."

Regulus looked at his arm in defeat, "I'm sorry."

"It has to be consensual, Reg," Pandora said, "why'd you do it?"

"I didn't have a choice," he said heavily, "they were going to kill you, and Sirius...and Andromeda...they wouldn't have ever stopped until I agreed."

"Oh, Reg," Pandora sighed, "what ever are we to do?"

Regulus Black was a Death Eater

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