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Suga: we have to make her reveal herself without her knowing this is our plan. 

y/n: But, how?

Hobi: I don't know, but we have to be so careful. Aunty is with her, so we can't do something out of impulse. 

Taehyung: Do you have any ideas y/n noona?

y/n: Let me think.

Jimin: What about we just playing along with her?

Suga: I think that will work. Just call her, tell her that you want to meet, and try to know her plan.

y/n: Are you sure Oppa? Joonie's mom is with her and I don't want to take any risk.

Jungkook: don't worry, we are with you.

Hobi: yeah, Koo is right. don't worry.

y/n: Guys, I wanna go now.

Jimin: Noona, relax. He isn't coming home tonight.

y/n: huh? why? ooh, again with her! (sigh)

Hyo-a: Unnie, do you want me to come with you?

y/n: nope dear, I'm okay. Anyway, I'm taking a cab, see you guys.

With that, I went out. To be honest, now I really feel relaxed. Yeah! I know the problem isn't over yet, but being them by my side, I really feel strong. Thanks to Hyo-a, I feel less burdened. 

I reached home, and yeah I'm all alone.

y/n: what will you do y/n? talking to myself isn't a bad thing right? No, it isn't. I shouldn't have let her do all these bullshits. But I didn't regret it, I have saved his most precious thing. Right? As old people say, we have to give up on some things, to grab on to others. But I really don't know, did I chose wisely? If he is the one I chose, what would've happened now? Would things have been different? What is the point if I had to see him more broken than now? Yeah! I think I chose wisely. y/n, get you up together and sleep now. 

I slowly drifted into my dreamland. 


The day dawned crisp and clear. The sun poured through the window, the rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky, "what a great morning!" I thought and got up. 

y/n: After a long time, I slept so peacefully, thanks to the guys. I wish I could wake up like this every morning. 

instantly, my cell phone caught my attention as it buzzed. 

<On phone>

Suga: Hey, morning kiddo. Text her.

y/n: Are you sure Oppa? I don't know yet if I should do it or not.

Suga: Go for it y/n. Just try.

I decided to give it a go, took her chatbox, and texted.

<On phone>

y/n: Hey!

Riya: Oh god, what am I seeing? is this you? really you?

y/n: (sigh) Let's meet!

Riya: why? Is it now you gained sense? now do you think I could hurt his mother? that's a late realization kitty. what if I don't want to come?

y/n: Riya! please!!!

Riya: Oh cool, let me think.

<end of chat>

y/n: Aiiisshhh!! this bitch is getting into my nerves. whatever, forget it. 


<On phone>

Riya: XXX cate, at 3.

y/n: why xxx cafe? I don't know, whatever!

<On phone>

y/n: Oppa, xxx cafe at 3.

Suga: Ok, don't worry.


I'm now driving to the xxx cafe. why did she choose xxx cafe? I don't know. The cafe is actually near Joonie's club. Maybe she is coming from there. Hmmm! hope she doesn't have any hidden motive.

I entered the cafe and roamed my eyes through the cafe to find her. There she is. The one who ruined my life, the one who is still capable of ruining my life.

I just walked straight to her, at sat down on the opposite chair. I don't like meeting her often, but I had to keep my temper this time and act wisely. 

Riya: You are not gonna talk? Then why do you want to see me?

Riya: Bitch, talk or let me leave.

y/n: (Deep breathe) So, what are you gonna do with aunty? let me take her, I'll do whatever you say.

Riya: Isn't it too easy? Kill him and then I'll let her free.

y/n: Why do you want him to die? you also love him, right? Then why are you doing this?

Riya: You wanna know why? HAHAHA! do you know what even if he is with me, I still see you in his eyes? How can he still love you after you did all this? What's the point of having him like this. If I can't have him, I don't want anyone to have him either. You can only choose one. Him or his mom. 

y/n's mind: He don't love me anymore Riya!

y/n: I can't do that to him, till now I did whatever you told me to, and now it's time to stop. I'm not your puppet anymore.

Riya: Then forget about her!

y/n: YOU- ( raising hand on her)

I felt a stinging pain on my cheeks, I looked up and saw Joonie standing there, burning in anger. 

Namjoon: Don't dare to touch her.

Riya: it's okay Joonie, I don't have any issues with her. She is your wife and no wonder she did this to me, which wife could bear seeing someone with her husband.

y/n's mind: How can she change so instantly!

Namjoon: I don't care and you, you are not my wife, and don't even try to come near her.

y/n: it's not like what to saw. 

He didn't even care to listen to me, I sat down on the chair. I want to cry aloud, but my tears aren't cooperating. I rested my head on the table. "what am I gonna do, I can't hurt her it will hurt him more!"


To be continued...

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