"Last night was. . . spectacular."

"It was," I answer breathlessly.

I force my gaze to meet his. As his dark hazels pierce into mine, waves of undeniable passion and want surges into my body.

"We have to leave." I swallow anxiously, staring at his lips. I don't want to leave him, but we have to leave in 15 minutes if we want to make it on time.

"All right," he says, his gaze fixated on my lips. "After you."

This is a great opportunity for me to escape his searing, sensual gaze, but god, I want to kiss him right now.

Still, my legs find their strength and pivot away from him, and I'm downstairs in a matter of seconds.

I look at my phone's screen to see what time it is. I still have a few minutes until my first class of the day begins to fill my stomach.

As I walk into the kitchen, my eyes scan the fridge and cupboards for something edible. After a bit of hunting, I come across Nutella and bread laying leisurely on the opposite side of where I'm looking.

I quickly stuff two slices of bread into my mouth and was about to walk over to Stefan's car when my head collided with another's.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." A girl's sweet voice snaps my head up.

While I stand there astonished, she touches her forehead, soothing the pain from the collision. It takes me a few seconds to comprehend what has just happened.

The girl is clothed in a uniform, namely a waitress' uniform. Such as those seen in nightclubs and bars. Her hair is tied back in a messy bun. Grey eyes and red painted lips.

She realizes that I am staring at her. "I don't think we've met," she says, a genuine smile on her face. "I'm-"

"Scarlett," Charlie walks into the kitchen, finishing her sentence. "And Scarlett, this idiot wearing my friend's T-shirt is Clara."

Ugh! I was hoping to avoid seeing this duffer's face today.

She giggles and, if I'm not mistaken, blushes as she looks at him. Charlie hugs her back while pecking at her lips. Charlie isn't wearing a shirt, and his jeans are sagging way low for anyone's view.

So he did some hanky panty in her panty. Ew! Did I just imagine that?

"There's this thing called 'clothes' evolved humans' wear."

He sneers. "Not when you got a sexy body like me, bae."

He takes a dramatic step toward me and presses me to the counter. Then throws me an annoying wink.

As much as I want to kick him in the nuts for his lame narcissistic comment, I'd rather destroy him with my words and glares.

Scarlett laughs, hiding her lips, at his funny comment, which is far from amusing. Charlie is still in the same position, refusing to back down. I look daggers at him, which were beneficial when I first met him in college, but he doesn't even blink anymore.

If that's what he wants, then let me see his sexiness now.

"Scarlett, is it?" I ask, my face showing a totally innocent confusion. "But Charlie, you told me about Eva the night before yesterday?"

I focus my joyful enthusiasm on Charlie then. He, too, grows confused.

"No, wait," I tap my chin, murmuring. "It was Emma the night before yesterday. Eva's your last week's hook up."

I crack a wicked grin. "Right Charlie, bae?"

It's the first time I've seen Charlie with a girl, but the look of shock on Scarlett's face, and Charlie's even more humiliated and angry face, is worth it.

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