A New Me

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Chloe took a deep breath. She was ready for this. Zoe squeezed her shoulder, and Luka smiled in approval.

"Okay, I'm ready," she said to Juleka and Rose as she took a seat down in their barber chair. "Give me something cool, unique. I'm tired of being the old Chloe. It's time for something different."

"I couldn't agree more." Zoe smiled at her, more proud of her sister than she ever had been. She'd come such a long way.

There wasn't a mirror, so Chloe wasn't able to tell what she looked like. She kept asking, but they only kept saying that it's looking good, or a little more time. She rolled her eyes and tapped her foot, impatient from waiting.

Finally, they told her they were done and handed her a mirror. Chloe gasped. She could hardly believe who she was seeing...was her. It was the new her.

She had the prettiest teal highlights she had ever seen, all along the ends of her bright blond hair. A huge grin fell across her face. Her makeover looked amazing.

"Thank you," she said gratefully to Juleka and Rose. They smiled to show their thanks. "I love it!"

It was then that Luka walked in, that Chloe felt herself grow warm. Her blue tips were teal...just like Luka's hair.

He looked shocked there for a second two as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Wow," he managed to say. "You look great." She had to be one of the prettiest girls Luka had ever seen, he decided.

"Of course I do." Chloe waved her hair down in a vain manner, causing Zoe to laugh out loud.

"Oh, Chloe...Let's take a selfie! You too Luka!"

Chloe didn't exactly smile, but she felt like she was on the inside. It was great to have friends and people who actually cared about you in life. 

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