Chapter 6

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"Unholy Truth"


I knew what to do...get drunken off the locals and plenty of vodka and father would know nothing. Already, my brother was lost in his lies about his fiancé...she was a former skin-walker, werewolf but whatever she was, she hid it well for many years from my half-brother. I took the necessary steps to hide my queen. If father knew she was the last of the Daugher's of Orin, he'd kill her to keep the power our family, our kind had stolen for so many years. The wolf in the cells was also a key and if I allowed him to live, he wouldn't be able to handle the power emanating off my ancient father.

It would take a lot to convince since I was known as the straight arrow. In that, my stumble into the main room of our castle, some would call a throne room but I didn't stay in it long enough to be worthy of its call. I needed a queen for that to happen. Sherri was all that and some but it would take her realizing exactly who she was.

My father cleared his throat, his thoughts were on reprimand of his prized son to be better than this. I found myself at his feet, bowing and accepting his royalty over my own.


"Where have you been!?" Dad hissed. His anger was boiling beyond common sense. This, I wanted.

" know me, I-I found some pretty local, made her feel like she was my queen and fucked her beyond death. Oh, and I didn't forget to drink her until the last slowing of her beating heart."

"Disgusting!" My brother's judgments passed although it was his nightly ritual.

Father grabbed my chin, made me look at him. His judging eyes dug deep into my cold dead heart. I smiled and jerked my head away to show disrespect. I'd only wipe the sweat from my brow and try to take in the reeking odor of my own clothing drenched with the soaking of a brand new bottle of liquor poured on to it.

"Remove yourself from my presence and talk to me in the birth of morning!" He pushed me away so much I hit the floor. My brother laughed as my father walked around me, leaving us.

It was when he left the room when Abram spoke again. "You are the worst liar." He continued to laugh. "You and I both know that you would never drink this late, both blood or alcohol."

I stood, cleaning myself off and coming out of the torn shirt. He looked me up and down while walking around the large empty room. "You're hiding something brother." He smirked.

"I'm not hiding shit, get out of my house." I warned him feeling blood for death at the moment.

"I'll leave but you need to tell me why Farrah called so upset that her sweet little friend-intervention didn't go so well."

I shrugged. "Business is business. I don't know what the girl wanted but it wasn't what our company needed." I lied. We haven't been in client relations in years. We moved here, we needed a cover and before Sherri came around, I was trying to give the company rebirth. My brother wanted nothing to do with it and father thought it was a brilliant idea to add to his trophy son. I honestly haven't done shit because I was busy trying to protect Sherri, keep my father away from Georgia, the United States at that.

"Should we let father know that you are dealing with a half-breed? A skin walker at that?"

Abram's face dropped.

"What?" His focus was suddenly off my Sherri, now it was on the only thing that kept him living, his woman.

"Tell me more!" His hands went to my throat but I quickly reversed it and pushed him against the wall, breaking the stone.

"Do remember who has won many battles, saved you from death several times and kept you from the wrath of our on father!"

His eyes dropped in shame. His grip on my muscular frame dropped and now he was submissive.

"I do," He mumbled.

"I will tell you the truth, brother. You would be wise to remember who is on your side, truly."

He nodded and I released him. He stood there, blood tears and painful thoughts. I didn't want to hurt him but nothing mattered anymore. Family was important but was undeserving for our kind. Abram needed true love and that bitch, Farrah, she was none of the sort.

"Tell me, I am ready brother." His eyes released their sorrow, he was crying silently as we walked to our grand table.

Father was already gone. No ears would give up our secrets since the castle was now empty of servants and slaves.

"It was last winter, I discovered your clubs, stealing Fae essence to hide who she was. She was born a wolf but after a while, she never shifted...they knew she had a chance of becoming a skin walker but she hid it from the Alpha of her pack. Her parents were put to death, she went to her cousin, the Alpha and begged for the release of her wolf spirit so that it wouldn't be tortured anymore. She did this---to be with you."

He gasped, gripping the mahogany antique wood and cracking it. I over looked as if it meant nothing. He loved this creature and now, I was the one delivering the pain of her betrayal to him.

"She told me she was human and her transition was lonely." He mumbled through his pain and tears, voice cracking, I barely knew what he was saying.

I stood and walked over to the serving table. Many times, we were served but tonight, I serve my brother in his agony.

"She lied, as do she continue. She doesn't know I have discovered her betrayal...she continues to sleep with werewolves to hide her identity when she is found out. She has found the right people to keep her identity closed, even elders of light."

His attention snapped to me as if he'd been asleep and awaken with urgency. "Elders of you mean?"

I nodded. "I have found one."

It was dangerous but I knew that no matter what, my brother still loved the skin walker and he'd go to the ends of this existence to protect her.

"That means, she can get her wolf back and she'd get a chance to love me without agony!"

The joy in his face proved my theory. He still loved her regardless of her betrayal.

"Tell me brother, what do we have to help me protect this elder of light...I mean, Farrah."

His desperate plea said enough. It was now time to tell him the entire truth about Sherri. It will change the everything for our family, for our kind.

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